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Making Sense

Posted by parhad on August 28, 2001 at 10:13:41:

When you can't be certain of a story, you have depend on your own judgement. The story about another "martyr", the fellow who was arrested for no reason except building a church (which I still think is a damn good reason to get arrested in any Moslem country today), always struck me as suspicious.

The only way to "know" is to try to figure out the "players" and what they each have to gain. I can't quite say it's the guys "fault" for getting involved on one side of a dispute between Kurds in Iraq. Assyrians there are thrust in this uncomfortable position of having to decide which side of a people they have been taught to distrust they should join...and it would be difficult to remain neutral.

The story did seem to be about as "bad" as could be. I definitely suspect the sorts of Assyrians who believe these things outright, and label as "traitor" anyone who asks for more evidence and facts. You have to be wary of people who use these kinds of tactics. The attempt to make us suspicious and distrusting of anything the Kurds and Iraqis do is a little too Raman said, "we have to tell the world what barbarians Kurds are". It seems they also have to "make up" what they need.

That's the part that has me worried...these guys WANT some awful thing to happen...encourage it, even invent Francis invented what he needed about Narsai. Now Zinda magazine will be afraid to print this press release for fear of offending certain "important" people in the community. These important people must also be stupid...those are the most important ones in this community...I wonder how many Assyrian "patriots", "Christians" and "activists"...sitting on their asses in safety, would love to ignite a little conflict back home, especially with the good chance that several "martyrs" will be created...just to prove what we "all know" and the world, "should too"?

The Kurdistan Observer
International Relations Bureau


27 August 2001

Misleading and malicious statements pertaining to the arrest of Youkhana Yalda Khaie, a
member of the Assyro-Chaldean community in Iraqi Kurdistan, have recently appeared in
certain media outlets.

On 8 April 2001, Youkhana Yalda Khaie, along with two other persons were arrested
under Iraqi criminal law, article 168, for aiding and abetting PKK terrorists including
supplying military related equipment.

Mr. Khaie is regularly visited in detention by his relatives and representatives of the
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

Mr. Khaie’s collaboration with the PKK is well established. He is formally charged with
aiding and abetting an illegal terrorist organization. His detention has been extended
according to the law. On 23 July 2001, the Public Prosecutor referred his case to the Dohuk
Criminal Court. His trial date is set for 2 September 2001.

Interested persons may attend the trial. An independent inquiry by Amnesty International
and other accredited human rights organizations is welcomed to assess and verify the
circumstances under which Mr. Khaie is charged and being tried, and the treatment he has
been receiving while in detention.

Statements in the media by some exile Assyrians claiming that Mr. Khaie was arrested to
take over his land or to prevent him from raising funds to built a church, and that he is being
victimized for being a Christian are untrue, baseless and malicious. These and other similar
statements alleging Muslim-Christian enmity is an attempt to cause communal discord.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)
endeavour to apply the rule of law to all citizens of Iraqi Kurdistan regardless of their ethnic
origins or religion.

The KDP and the KRG reaffirm their commitment to the promotion of friendship and
mutual respect among all communities in Iraqi Kurdistan. During the past decade,
substantial progress has been made in supporting the development of a society where
national, cultural and civil rights, pluralism, and religious freedom are promoted and
protected by the law throughout the region.

KDP Spokesperson

P.O.Box 7725, London SW1 3ZE-UK
Tel: 020 7498 2664 Fax: 020 7498 2531

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