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Posted by andreas from ( on Monday, December 16, 2002 at 4:46PM :

In Reply to: Not OK. posted by Lilly from ? ( on Monday, December 16, 2002 at 4:23PM :

: : ### Right. He had to go through all the dying into death like a human - otherwise it wouldn't have been a sacrifice, indeed.
: : It's just this and therefore he really incarnated as a human.
: : After his dead, however, his God nature made it possible to overcome death and resurrect to life not only himself but also to redeem the dead in hell and to open the chance for mankind to develop further into the spiritual spheres/heaven.

: : ### Without this deed the human evolution would have stopped and the project "mankind" would have failed.
: : Thus it is a cosmic, evolutionary deed done for humans.

: xxx Sounds like a cult to me...

### Why "cult", cause these are so concrete ideas on human evolution and not only about any hazy beliefs or lifeless intellectual doctrines?

: if Jesus' coming was so evolutionary for man, then why does it seem like everyone who thinks they "know" him is some kind of frothing at the mouth, intolerant lunatic?

### Why? Because they only self-betrayingly "think" they know and follow him. In fact those types are trapped in extreme materialistic, jingoistic mindsets in which they are only serving their lower instincts of egoism and nationalism. Those people absolve themselves from any responsibility for what they do by loading all their accountability on the Christ's sacrifice which they regard as a carte blanche for e.g. murder in the name of Christ.
The real meaning of his sacrifice is that everybody irrespective race and nation is now able to follow his path, IF this person wants to out of his/her free will.
It's about the possibility to develop, not about having automatically and already reached one's personal development and moral perfection by the help of a strawman on the cross.

### The evolutionary about Christ's deed is that "redemption" is not ordered or imposed and NOT automatically guaranteed with Christ's crucifixion.
Christ respects our freedom and free will to decide for the good or the bad.
This is real evolution and therefore can also fail.
But anything else is an enforced automatism and we would never develop to the full of our free humanity and human dignity but we'd degrade to consciousless robots with instincts of a lower than animal level.

: xxx Are you an Arian Christian?

### No. But what do YOU understand by this term, at all. Do you see any similarities between the Arian beliefs and what I said?

-- andreas
-- signature .

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