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Posted by Tony from ( on Friday, January 10, 2003 at 10:01PM :

At a time when other think tanks celebrate the virtues of unrestrained greed, unlimited wealth, and unregulated markets, IPS is striving to create a more responsible society - one built around the values of justice, nonviolence, sustainability, and decency. IPS, as I.F. Stone once said, is "an Institute for the rest of us."

The Institute for Policy Studies is the nation’s oldest multi-issue progressive think tank. Since 1963, the Institute has worked with social movements to forge viable and sustainable policies to promote democracy, justice, human rights, and diversity. IPS played key roles in the Civil Rights and anti-war movements in the 1960s, the women’s and environmental movements in the 1970s, the anti-apartheid and anti-intervention movements in the 1980s, and the fair trade and environmental justice movements today.
Based in Washington, DC, but with links to activists and scholars across the nation and around the world, the Institute serves as a bridge between progressive forces in government and grass-roots activists, and between movements in the U.S. and those in the developing world. We are proud to serve as an alternative voice, helping the least powerful to be heard in the halls of government and in the mainstream and independent press.

While other think tanks celebrate the virtues of unrestrained markets and individualism, IPS is building partnerships to create a more responsible society — one built around the values of justice, nonviolence, sustainability, and decency.

To facilitate long-term planning as well as rapid response to world events, IPS’s projects are configured in three clusters, supported by an administrative and outreach cluster. However, we foster interaction and collaboration among all staff so that our research cuts across academic disciplines to a broad view of how the world really works.

Democracy and Fairness Cluster

The projects of the Democracy and Fairness Cluster unite scholars, local activists, national advocacy groups, and policymakers to further democracy and economic justice in the United States. The Progressive Challenge works with over 200 progressive groups in pursuing the consensually created Fairness Agenda for America. Paths for the 21st Century is a collaborative research project seeking to define the economic, social, and political requisites for human decency over the next generation. The Campaign for Migrant Domestic Workers Rights is an IPS-led coalition seeking to end the exploitation and abuse of thousands of domestic workers brought to the U.S. to work for diplomats, officials of international agencies, and others. The Social Action and Leadership School for Activists (SALSA) teaches the basics of organizing, management, communications, and other movement-building skills to hundreds of activists each year. IPS also participates in the Democracy Action Project, a youth-led coalition to tranform democracy.

Global Justice Cluster

The international flow of capital is reshaping lives and the environment dramatically all around the world, with the world’s poorest people paying the price for prosperity for the few. The Institute’s Global Justice Cluster comprises three projects that collaborate with activists and scholars throughout the world to generate alternatives to the current, corporate-led globalization. The Global Economy project offers broad analysis of free trade initiatives and their impacts, and serves as a watchdog on the world’s wealthiest corporations. The Sustainable Energy and Economy Network (SEEN) examines the social and environmental consequences of public lending for fossil fuel projects. The Ecotourism project studies how ecotourism can aid sustainable and equitable development in the Global South, with a particular focus on certification initiatives. The New Voices on Globalization coalition, which includes IPS, works to increase the visibility of perspectives of a more diverse range of people in the anti-corporate globalization movement.

Peace and Security Cluster

The projects of the Peace and Security Cluster seek to make the U.S. a more responsible global leader and global partner. Foreign Policy in Focus, a collaboration with the Interhemispheric Resource Center, offers policymakers and journalists ready analysis of breaking world events. The New Internationalism project offers an unflinching progressive voice on UN and Middle East affairs. The Drug Policy project advocates a harm-reduction approach to the “War on Drugs” at home and abroad. The Nuclear Policy project examines U.S. management of nuclear weaponry, power production, and waste management. The Letelier-Moffitt Human Rights Awards recognizes champions of human rights in the name of two IPS staffers who were killed in 1976 by agents of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.

Senior Scholars and Internships

Established public scholars contribute expertise and insight to each cluster as IPS Senior Scholars. The Institute takes on scores of interns each year, offering each an opportunity to contribute meaningfully to our research.

Administration and Outreach Cluster

Experienced professionals provide administrative, public relations, and fundraising support, making it possible for our researchers to focus their attention on substantive work.


-- Tony
-- signature .

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