The "Combined Name" Dilemna

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Posted by pancho from ( on Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 2:07AM :

Remember...try to realize that whenever you hear our boys disputing the name issue...or "National Rights"...or listing how many of "us" have been killed and the rest of it...they're taling about Christians...not Assyrians. Or rather Christians first and almost exclusively...their connection to the name Assyrian being a cover and sound byte...code for Christians...only they'd seem even more stupid demanding a Christian they piss and moan for an "Assyrian" Homeland.

So I think, in light of all of this heavy, heavy stuff we should settle on a combination of two names..."Ass", and "hole".

"Now the "Ass" part can be the Christians who don't like the Chaldeans...who consider themselves to be the very "bottom" of the pyamid...the "base" upon which all else rests. The other Christians, who don't like the Assyrians, can be the "central core"...the "bulls eye" if you they can be the "Hole" part of the name.

Put them together and you have, I think, the word that describes us all best of all...the thing we're nearest to resembling...and would appear to be in a minute...if we dared go out into the world and say these ridiculous things we do here.

On the next census. let's move to have "Asshole" be the category covering most if not all of us. Who could argue?

-- pancho
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