Re: really?

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Posted by pancho from ( on Thursday, February 06, 2003 at 6:22PM :

In Reply to: really? posted by Sadie from ? ( on Thursday, February 06, 2003 at 5:05PM :

I disagree. I know we are all concerned with how much time we "waste"...and much of it is unfocused and indeed wasted. But so are our mundane lives away from the internet.

When Henry Thoreau was told, breathlessly, that someone from Europe had just spoken to someone in New York via transatlantic cable...he only old Hank could, "Yes but, what did they have to SAY?"

The internet has the potential of cirumventing national, corporate propaganda...and in our case it can bring us together from any corner of the world.

Today we are only a handful, fretting that we might be missing out on "real" life...but you never know...we might get a life this way too...someday.

As for Andreas...he has nothing to say...he slips and slides and slithers...if heŽd stand still IŽd be glad to swat him, but he knows better...just like Peter and Firas and Hanna who wont allow us anywhere near their forums...Andreas bans and deletes by turning himself into a suppository and disappearing up his own arse...and he wonders why no one wants to follow his logiciqueek.

-- pancho
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