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Posted by Alexander from ( on Monday, July 14, 2003 at 1:43PM :

In Reply to: wow posted by Sadie from ? ( on Monday, July 14, 2003 at 11:35AM :

There is no government body that I know of, or any organisational bodies at that, except a few, that do not in some form or another participate in sexual assaults or other related crimes against sex slaves brought from other countries(whether it's UN officials in Washington DC having sex with sex slaves from Latin America or russia or Mideast or Southeast Asia, etc(depending on the officials' preference), Government officials from a particular government having intercource(forced, as usual) with women from that country which the government officials are visiting(forced prostitution by the sex slaves' own government, as in the case with: South Korea, South Vietnam at the time, some South American countries, few Central American countries, and more...among the countries who do not participate in this particular form of entertaining officials from other countries are: Georgia, Armenia, Iraq, Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Japan, and Vietnam(present day and when North Vietnam status as well), as well as others...and I have proof of these as well, especially for South Korea and the South Vietnamese government of the time....also officials deal in drugs, arms, and other "weapons of mass destruction,",, but it's okay I guess, since they're "civilised" nations...Did you know one official in the early 1900s said of the Filipinos they were trying to conquer, in not these exact words(although I can get you the info and the quote and the sources if you ask): The countries which can overpower others should do so, if at least to civilise the barbarians, since those people who do not resist or do not fight back are not worthy of existing and should be conquered, and civilised by the West. Not exact words, but pretty close. The Vietnam war was not over power of Communism, but drugs. The CIA had dummy coorporations set up to traffic drugs from Southeast Asia, while paying for them with cash and arms, since the 30s, and they wanted to keep Vietnam divided(like in FYROM) so that they could manipulate the South Vietnamese government(like South Korea), thereby safeguarding their drug-trade relations, for cheaper too, since they would have better access to the drugs. Ever hear of Air America or Sea Supply INC? Right now CIA officials should be knocking on my door:) And by the way, if I dissaappear, or die, it was not an accident- LOL, seriously though, you never know:)

Anyhow, so before I get myself blacklisted by the CIA and so forth even more:), let me get back to what I was doing earlier:)
Psheyna my number 1 wife- and stella, you can become number two wife if you cook me lentils, and lintels as well....

-- Alexander
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