Quicksand vs. Threshold

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Posted by Sadie from D006196.N1.Vanderbilt.Edu ( on Friday, August 22, 2003 at 4:29PM :

I think the U.S. government is blaming external "terrorists" for the U.N. bombing & attacks against the U.S. military because the U.S. government wants an excuse to move against Syria & Iran... the 2 places they blame the "terrorists" from coming from (instead of saying that these moves are reactions by armed native Iraqis). So, this is what I call the quicksand effect - every reaction against the U.S. military or the U.N. just seems to make the U.S. more aggressively pull down the rest of the Middle East & do further damage to Iraq, like quicksand buries its victim more if the victim struggles...

Then, there is the threshold of U.S. military bodies that needs to be reached for Iraqi reactionaries to turn the tables in their favor. This is the threshold of U.S. military bodies that will cause the people back home in the States to get incredibly upset with the U.S. government & pressure that government to bring the troops back home. This threshold is set by the U.S. government of course - they will try to have as many lives lost within their own military before they are forced out.... Like with Vietnam, so many lives of U.S. citizens were destroyed by the U.S. government before U.S. citizens got fed up. This is also why the U.S. government is reluctant to install more troops in Iraq & want the troops from other countries to be stationed there, because more troops stationed in Iraq means more potential deaths for the people back home to get upset over....

-- Sadie
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