Re: psychology

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Posted by Lilly from ? ( on Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 5:25PM :

In Reply to: psychology posted by Melody from ( on Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 1:05PM :

:The victim adopts the methods of the oppressor.

xxx Not always, only sometimes. Sometimes the victim is inspired to be nothing like his/her oppressor. Consequently, the victim chooses to act in a manner opposite that of the oppressor. Other times, the victim can in some sense deny victimhood, not forget, but reject the definition of and redefine the actions of the oppressor that are meant to confine the victim to a powerless role. This last way is the hardest, because it involves a lot more energy (in the form of thought, esp. about the source of one's emotion) and time than simply reflecting or negating the oppressor.

: she said that Jews had come to identify with their opperessors after all those years of being hounded, which she even said was counter-intuitive.

xxx Please explain this. To say that they identify with their oppressors can mean many things. For instance, do they merely understand why they were persecuted? Also, do they actively or passively buy into "other" that they observed in the culture of their oppressors? Finally, because they may "understand" their oppressors, do they therefore implicitly excuse or forgive their oppressors for their past crimes?

: Finally, what struck me was that both doctors agreed that any agreements between the two peoples should arise in an atmosphere of peace.

xxx Peace is hard to come by because it takes more energy than violence - more thought (rejecting norms & redefining their world) & more action (suppressing instinct & learned behaviors in themselves & in others).

:...the danger to Palestinian civil society is that some people might not be able to problem-solve without the use of violence.

xxx That is a given. But then again, violence, in a normally sane person, usually stems from anger and fear, both of which can be channeled into more productive actions. That takes a lot of work, as well.

-- Lilly
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