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Posted by pancho from ? ( on Monday, June 03, 2002 at 2:03PM :

Judaism spread its poison throughout the world in the forms of itself, Islam, and Christianity. The blood that has been shed in the names of those three religions is obscene and unimaginable. Ashur, i.e. Assyrians acting on his behalf, were tolerant of other gods, i.e. of other people and their religions. Assyrians never massacred anyone just because they wouldn't accept Ashur as the "True God" or because they occupied a land and their not worshipping Ashur was the excuse to exterminate them. We know the Jews committed genocide in the name of Yahweh (they recorded it in the Torah), and we know Muslims did it in the name of Allah, and Western Christians did it in the name of Jesus. The blood is on the hands of those three religions and on the souls of their creators. Ashur is an angel compared to your gods.


-- pancho
-- signature .

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