And my response

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Posted by Jeff from ? ( on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 1:12PM :

In Reply to: I thought you might enjoy this posted by Jeff from LTU-207-73-64-49.LTU.EDU ( on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 1:00PM :

Nice try, Fat Bitch!


[ Chaldeans Discussion Forum ]


Written by Jeżż on 11 Jun 2002 20:17:47:

As an answer to: Deleting Messages by Jeef Atto written by Webmaster on 11 Jun 2002 20:00:30:

>The ill-mannered kid Jeef Atto is back to this Forum (actually, he never left it. He always posts here under different names). Today, he has so far posted 7 messages under the names of:
>Pro Baath, Alqoshnaya, Emir, To Ilber, Unity Chaldean/Assyrian, Friend, From a Chaldean

***** Prove it, fat man

>All repeating the private email sent to me by Ceevin (Qasrani) after he was banned from this Forum.
>Jeef, is the same person who was posting here asking Ceevin (Qasrani) for his email address as well as supporting his agenda.

***** Jeff and Stella are two different people, Ghassbag!!!
> Same person who posts under different names attacking Bassam and Chaldean Babylonian Lion.

***** Again, I ask you to prove it, you disgusting lowlife. I hope your boss will like it when I call him and show him the physically threatening emails that you sent me.

>Anyway, majority of Jeef messages get deleted to keep in line that this Forum will not be a place for mentally disturbed or child abused individuals who can't help it but attempt to deflect their sickness into this Forum and others.

>I have been told, during my recent visit to Detroit, that you're an abused child and should be dealt with as such. Actually, now I understand your actions.

***** Who told you? I'll KILL HIM!! Hahahaha. What else did they tell you about me?? Did they tell you about that time I was caught with Osama Bin Laden in France?

>To all,
>I have to make a correction to my recent post that it was some hostile group sending virus attacks to Chaldean News Agency and Chaldeans On Line website. It has been proven to me, that there are no groups behind those virus attacks.

***** Proven by whom? You little bitch!

All of them are coming from this abused child Jeef Atto. He's also the same child who has created a fake email address using my own personal name. That criminally impostering email address is:

***** Prove it!!

>I have reported him to the server of my website. I am also enquiring currently on ways of pushing for criminal complaint and the name of the investigating department,..etc.. Soon he would be harvesting the results of his actions.
>I'll keep you posted on this very serious matter.

***** Keep us all posted... and stay out of women's clothes, will ya?

Abused Child and Accomplice to Osama Bin Laden

-- Jeff
-- signature .

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