Ghandi Goes Over

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Posted by panch from ( on Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 8:51AM :

I guess if a kid came to Ghandi and said "Father Bejan groped me", Ghandi would tell the kid not to malign the good priest...he'd say are we supposed to take the word of a kid over the word of a Father in the Holy Roly Church? He would chide the kid, tell the kid to show some respect, remind the kid of all the good things Father Bejan and the Church have done...and if that didn't satisfy the kid, shut him up...he'd call the kid names and help abuse him some more.

Here in Los Gatos, at the Novitiate retreat up in the hills overlooking the valley...a goodly priest would regularly go to the quarters where the mentally challenged staff of grown men lived...haul one guy up off the couch where he was watching cartoons...turn him around and sodomize him standing up...while they both watched cartoons. The victim hated it...hated hearing the footsteps outside his room...the heavy breathing, the dangling cross on the chain, bumping against him as he was being humped.

Afterwards the priest washed up...and went out and did good works. And Ghandi was pleased, and the victim kept quiet for years and the Church rolled on.

Victims should not keep quiet...they should shout at the top of their lungs...for the sake of all of us and our children...especially the retarded ones.

-- panch
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