Re: I don't know the answer

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Posted by Jeff from ( on Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 4:15PM :

In Reply to: Re: I don't know the answer posted by panch from ( on Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 4:07PM :

: What are we trying to do? a good place to start.

*>>> We are trying to help people of ours that can't afford medical related costs. Or... are we?

: Are we likely to succeed?

*>>> A wholehearted "YES"

: At what?

*>>> At helping others, at first.

: Would it be better to begin to set up a mechanism for future use, or dash our frail hopes against the huge brick wall that is "Assyria" right now?

*>>> I think that if we set this up, it WOULD be a great mechanism for future use.

: If we manage to raise only fifty dollars the first year...but are able to get some other entity to match that fund...then buy some necessary medicine for one Assyrian kid....and take the photos of that child and the story round to other Assyrians and most importantly to non-Assyrians...are we more or less likely to grow the fund?

*>>> More likely... that's an easy answer.

: Do I know?

*>>> Do you "know" anything? Of course not.

*>>> Anybody else?

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