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Posted by Jeff from LTU235.LTU.EDU ( on Friday, August 23, 2002 at 12:39PM :

In Reply to: Open Letter To John Nimrod posted by panch from ? ( on Friday, August 23, 2002 at 10:58AM :

or not.
Maybe this will work, maybe it won't:

- - -

Open Letter To John Nimrod


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by panch on 23 Aug 2002 17:05:14:

Dear John,

I don’t think you will get anywhere with the mayor. I don’t think Michael Lash will give up the Shumirum, besides which Evanston is another city entirely with its own mayor…why the mayor of Chicago would care, or have anything to say about it, I can’t fathom. I do remember you told Jackie and I that you’d spoken to Ms Mizwicki and she’d said they were willing to consider sites you’d chosen. I told Jackie after we met that you were being less than candid and called Maureen the next day. Not only had they not agreed to any such thing, but she told me they had informed you repeatedly that they would not even discuss the Shumirum until they had that letter from you.

I don’t believe you even want the Shumirum in Chicago, or that you are doing anything about getting it there. There is only one way and only one place for the Shumirum. For about three years now you’ve been about to have coffee with the mayor. I just don’t buy it and I suppose others choose to believe you because you are all they have…their one “senator”. No one tells you “no” and gets away with it.

Last year a very wealthy lady who has had sculptures cast at the foundry saw the Shumirum there. She told the owner she was interested in buying it. I said no deal, that it was going in public, not in someone’s private sculpture garden. I still had hopes of installing it in another city if Chicago didn’t work out. But you’ll just write letters wherever and screw the deal. So…I’ve contacted the woman through the foundry owner and told her the Shumirum is for sale. I don’t yet know what price we’ll agree upon, but sell it I will.

I can’t keep storing it at the foundry, and I sure as hell am not about to send it to Chicago.
If you write the letter and drop your opposition to the excellent site the Arts Council chose seven years ago I will not sell it. I have waited all these years to honor Helen, your sister, for all her fine work. I have no idea what really goes on in your head, though I have some unflattering guesses. I’ve waited long enough.


-- Jeff
-- signature .

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