Four "What" Killed In Iraq

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Posted by panch from ( on Friday, October 11, 2002 at 4:59PM : nationality they were Iraqis...I mean they were living they're dead ones. They're dead and they've left behind children probably, wives, sisters, brothers,parents, grandparents etc.

They may have been Muslim or Christian...but so what, right? If they were Muslims, they must have been from Arabia, therefore foreign...therefore deserving of death...I mean if you're a Christian and a know, living in America and urging it to attack your dearly beloved country. WONDER these guys are can they maintain this stuff without going crazy?

Now if they were Christians...they were indigenous to Iraq and if they say so...are descended from the original Assyrians...although the original Assyrians never heard of Christ. yet these Iraqis are indigenous...but not to Assyria, which disappeared some 2600 years ago.

Try having an intelligent converstaion with these people...and we wonder why all of them are at each other's throats...they KNOW the other ten guys are crazy...just don't know the eleventh guy is just as looney tunes.

We will never win this war...none of our leaders expects us to...just drag it out for maximum profitability, then just leave...back the ships up, load up, and leave. Like we did in Korea and Vietnam...and will do in Iraq.

But you see what this is doing to us over here in the meantime? We are going bloody crazy...and just wait.

The people of Iraq are what we have left of the indigenous people of that region...including probably, Assyrians and Chaldeans. THAT'S who is being killed over there. The religions they profess don't change their ethnicity.

Those of our leaders who take sides with Uncle Sam are merely contributing to the death and destruction of the Assyrian Heritage and the people remaining there. I realize they think they are taking a gamble to "save" us some know, like Christianity saved us...for this?

Let's see... if we can benefit, as Christians...on the bodies of as many of our own Assyrian people who turned Muslim, another Judaic we can...let's do it...out of "love" for Assyria. Huh?

And this ISN'T about religion?

It may be okay as Christians do this...but it isn't anything an Assyrian would do.

-- panch
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