Peter Pnuel, ever the Pfooel

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Posted by panch from ( on Friday, October 11, 2002 at 5:18PM :

Moslems usually take pride in the cultural and scientific achievements of the Arabs during the Abassid period (8th to 11th century) They wrongly attribute it to Islamic gift but refuse to realize that it came to pass because of contributions of none Arab people to the Arab and Islamic civilization resulting from the Abassid

+++ya gotta watch this shifty eyed usual with these boys they hop back and forth between "Arab" and Muslim...trying to make them one and the same thing. Try that with "Israeli" and Christian...they scream. Arabs are from Arabia. They supplied that desert determination and fighting spirit they were always known for...well before Islam came along. This quality allowed them to spread their influence to the lands of the Persians and Assyrians where they settled and were won least their desert culture was won over...their Muslim beliefs were probably refined as well...but they remained essentially true to their Arabian Israelis did to their Jewish one...though they too benefitted greatly from contact with Assyrian and Persian civilzation.

95% of the scholars in the Abbassid period, the "Golden Age" of Islam, were Assyrians See here:

There is no way to measure that...none at all. But let's allow it for arguments sake, and so's Peter doesn't break out...if we accept that little bit of math...let's accept that 100% of the 600,000 children killed in Iraq were also Assyrians.

Besides, he's just proven my point...that the current Muslims of Iraq...descended from the Assyrians. As much as he knows he descended from any Assyrians.

-- panch
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