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=> All the good stuff's at AINA

All the good stuff's at AINA
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Sunday, January 25 2004, 17:00:19 (EST)
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Assyrian Forum

Kiddy killer

Posted By: Tiglath <> (
Date: Sunday, 25 January 2004, at 10:58 a.m.

Psalm 137:
8 O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.
9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

What would happen to the morale of a nation who's holy men would stand up every week and preach about how despicable their ancestors were?

How would their children feel knowing that their God wants their little bodies dashed against stones?

No other nation on earth would tolerate their holy men spouting such poison in their places of worship. yet tolerate it we do. And build more churches to spread it we shall.

Oh Ashur, who will save us from ourselves?

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Yes, there are 198 passages similar in tone and matter to your posting in our Sacred Books. I had highlighted them and had them brought to the attention to our highest Ecclesiastic leader.


It is impossible to change what is interned in the minds of the people.

However, there are ways, and they abound in ramifications of our ways in reaching them.

When all went around Africa, on their way to India, Christopher Colomb took the opposite route.



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