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=> Data on Peoples

Data on Peoples
Posted by Alexander (Guest) - Sunday, October 26 2003, 22:58:00 (EST)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

234 92 650 750 A Khazars T N Caucasian area & triangular L
bulge to the N, betw lower Don &
lower Volga RR, also steppes &
deserts E of Volga to the Yaik R
(= Ural R). S boundary was main
Caucasus range. W boundary is
Pontic (Black Sea) littoral from
Kuban R mouth
to Kerch. NW boundary is Sea of
Azov. E boundary is from mouth of
Yaik R to Derbend Pass or Gate.

234 94 683 # N Khazars T Armenia A
From N of Caucasus.

234 95 717 # N Khazars T Azerbaidjan A
From N of Caucasus.

234 97 726 # N Khazars T Azerbaidjan A
From N of Caucasus.

211 9 750 # A Khazars T Across Don R to Dnepr & Dnestr RR E
From N Caucasian area & triangular bulge
to the N, betw lower Don & lower Volga RR,
also steppes & deserts E of Volga to the
Yaik R (= Ural R). S boundary was main
Caucasus range. W boundary is Pontic
(Black Sea) littoral from Kuban
R mouth to Kerch. NW boundary is Sea of
Azov. E boundary is from mouth of Yaik R
to Derbend Pass or Gate. *{234-92}*

900 383 750 787 A Khazars T {N Caucasian area & triangular L
bulge to the N, betw lower Don &
lower Volga RR, also steppes &
deserts E of Volga to the Yaik R
(= Ural R). S boundary was main
Caucasus range. W boundary is
Pontic (Black Sea) littoral from
Kuban R mouth
to Kerch. NW boundary is Sea of Acc/to (211-9), Times Atlas of World
Azov. E boundary is from mouth of History p.108, & other sources.
Yaik R to Derbend Pass or Gate.} +
{Across Don R to Dnepr & Dnestr
RR.} *{234-92} + {211-9}*

234 133 764 # N Khazars T Tiflis (Tblisi) A
From N Caucasian area & triangular bulge
to the N, betw lower Don & lower Volga RR,
also steppes & deserts E of Volga to the
Yaik R (= Ural R). S boundary was main
Caucasus range. W boundary is Pontic
(Black Sea) littoral from Kuban
R mouth to Kerch. NW boundary is Sea of
Azov. E boundary is from mouth of Yaik R
to Derbend Pass or Gate. + Across Don R to
Dnepr & Dnestr RR. *{900-383}*

234 134 764 # N Khazars T Armenia A
From N Caucasian area & triangular bulge
to the N, betw lower Don & lower Volga RR,
also steppes & deserts E of Volga to the
Yaik R (= Ural R). S boundary was main
Caucasus range. W boundary is Pontic
(Black Sea) littoral from Kuban
R mouth to Kerch. NW boundary is Sea of
Azov. E boundary is from mouth of Yaik R
to Derbend Pass or Gate. + Across Don R to
Dnepr & Dnestr RR. *{900-383}*

234 136 787 # N Khazars T Doras (=Dory, Eski-Kerman; capital C
of the Crimean Goths.)
From N Caucasian area & triangular bulge
to the N, betw lower Don & lower Volga RR,
also steppes & deserts E of Volga to the
Yaik R (= Ural R). S boundary was main
Caucasus range. W boundary is Pontic
(Black Sea) littoral from Kuban
R mouth to Kerch. NW boundary is Sea of
Azov. E boundary is from mouth of Yaik R
to Derbend Pass or Gate. + Across Don R to
Dnepr & Dnestr RR. *{900-383}*

900 385 787 840 A Khazars T {N Caucasian area & triangular L
bulge to the N, betw lower Don &
lower Volga RR, also steppes &
deserts E of Volga to the Yaik R
(= Ural R). S boundary was main
Caucasus range. W boundary is
Pontic (Black Sea) littoral from
Kuban R mouth
to Kerch. NW boundary is Sea of For consistency with (234-136).
Azov. E boundary is from mouth of
Yaik R to Derbend Pass or Gate. +
Across Don R to Dnepr & Dnestr
RR.} + {Doras (=Dory, Eski-Kerman;
capital of the Crimean Goths.)}
*{900-383} + {234-136}*

234 135 799 800 N Khazars T Transcaucasia A
From N of Caucasus.


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