The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Dear Shawn

Dear Shawn
Posted by farid (Guest) - Thursday, October 23 2003, 2:22:51 (EDT)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

I'm right next door to you here...I thought of dropping in for a chat...but what the hell. Let's wait till this is over and we can go have a drink on me and tell funny stories.

Just wanted to ask what you'd do if a "jackiebeganwishedshe'" site appeared? Wouldn't it be fun and profitable for the both of us to gang up on Jackie some more and shuttlecock her back and forth between the two of us?

You want another sailboat maybe?

What would she have you do? You gonna sue me all over again? Costs me $35.00 to cost her thousands and maybe hundreds of thousands...think she'd let it slide? How could she and maintain the fiction that she wanted "justice" and that's why she sued me and then Jeff? What's the matter it expensive to clear your name?

What goes around...comes around. When we're done with this matter the outcome...look for even more. I know you have to pretend to be glum and serious and angry when we meet...but I see the twinkle in your eye.


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