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=> Fear Of Success

Fear Of Success
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, January 27 2004, 20:19:11 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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The more you really think about this clamoring for a country called Assyria or a corner of Iraq or a section of Iraq that is to be designated the "ancestral homeland" of the modern Assyrians and you listen to the kinds of people making this "demands" begin to see more clearly what's really going on.

You have to consider how Christian these folks adamant they are that only Christins can be Assyrians...that even those among us who marry "outside" are traitors and no longer to be considered Assyrian, especially if they marry a Muslim... and then, if you give credence to their point that Muslims have ALWAYS and at ALL TIMES tried to wipe out every last Assyrian...and you add to this equation from hell the fact that now, today, while the attack on Iraq and Islam continues and expands with "insurgents" now being blamed for the dirty work the United States was Saddam was blamed for killing all those children and the Palestinians are blamed for Israel's "troubles in putting them all in camps"...and how much MORE grieved and aggravated and mad as hell Muslims and Iraqis are now than they ever were during the Levies and begin to appreciate just what is going on and what kinds of people are making these claims.

Who in their right mind would think an avowedly Christian population can EVER be plunked down on lands stolen...that's what it would be...from the Muslim and Christian people there for centuries? Even if it wasn't stolen...if it was an island of sand plopped down in between the borders of everyone there...still, how can a Christian anything survive surrounded by the kinds of bloodthirsty people we believe Muslims to be?

Why would they be tolerated? Why wouldn't there be border excursions after border excursions...suicide bombers...missle attacks...poison attacks...shutting off of water...the theft of young girls in the night...and boys? Why wouldn't the Muslims leap at this golden opportunity of having these detested "Assyrians" so close at hand, come back from the ends of the eath where they were safe and welcomed back into the midst of death and destruction so they could finally be wiped out close to home and all in one convenient place...surrounded in their wagon-train of a country by a horde of screaming, bloody, war paint bedaubed and murdering Injuns?

It just makes no sense and that isn't the only reason it will never happen...but it's a good one to discuss now.

I think there are a lot of hurt feelings among these Christians. Looking at the combined intellectual might of them all, not to mention their woeful lack of physical courage in not being able to stand up to words and using anonymous names and slinking around corners and attacking each other's isn't exactly impressed by their claim to being DIRECT descendants of the ancient Assyrians.

It's a Christian thing entirely...the feeling that each of them could have amounted to much more than they have IF ONLY...if only the Muslims had stayed in Arabia...if only there had been no Conquest...though what Europe would have done without the pollinizing the Muslims provided one shudders to think. Our Christians blame their woes on Islam...and they consider those of us who managed to succed though we all "suffered" the same, to be sell-outs and traitors and the rest of other words "Failure" is one of the supreme marks of having been a TRUE Assyrian in the old country, that's why the hate the mention of Donny George or Tariq Aziz. Is it any wonder that they fear success anywhere? Fear it as Assyrians...not as doctors and mechanics and real estate agents...but as Assyrians...which to them merely means "Christian" anyway.

Nothing jangles their nerves more...upsets their notion of an Assyrian's miserable position in the world due to Muslim brutality, than the sight of an Assyrian, who professes adamantly that he or she is NOT Christian, thank you all the same...and who succeeds AT something distinctly forming an Assyrian dance company...or publishing, REALLY publishing an Assyrian book...(and you have to leave "Christian" out of the name Assyrian for the purposes of this piece). Or...dare I say it...installing an Assyrian public monument the money for which came from Assyrians...

What you would think would gladden their hearts, has instead thrown their world into turmoil...certainly if I also played the patriotic Christian fool's role they'd applaud me...but my whole point is that if I WERE that type of "Assyrian"...I would never have dared imagine we could take our Heritage public in the modern era and do it as well as anybody. I'd be instead reading the bible to justify myself...or recounting ad nauseum all the reasons I had NOT to make a monument...all the reasons I have to weep and moan and mourn the lost chances due to Muslim depredations etc.

These Christians have institutionalized failure...made it a part of their culture, their nationality. It isn't success at being an Assyrian that proves you are's your failure, your chronic failure to achieve anything that marks you as a REAL one of never being able to muster up what it takes to build a language and history and culture school or center in the entire Christian world...and then choosing to do what also guarantees failure:chiding Saddam for not doing what THEY won't do...and now DEMANDING a Christian enclave in a hornet's nest of Muslims...another thing they already know they'll fail at, they wouldn't have chosen it otherwise...just as they know they fail every day at these calls for "Unity" and pleas to "come together".

It's the same thing Nimrod was doing with the was was was paid was was sheduled to be installed...the city of Chicago was planning an ad campaign for the unveiling...we were in danger of SUCCEEDING...and this disrupted Nimrod's concept...his Christian concept of an Assyrian's role in the modern world... and so he went nuts...I mean what OTHER ethnic group threatens to sue a city for installing a monument of theirs???? And this is the same guy who flies to Iran and tries to get "recognition" for Assyrian achievements from the MULLAHS!!!

Say WHAT???

Wullah it's fascinating...really it is.


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