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=> Letter to the ALP President

Letter to the ALP President
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Monday, January 19 2004, 10:06:38 (EST)
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To the Hon. Dr. Carmen Lawrence,

I just wanted to drop you a congratulatory note for your recent
nomination as ALP president. My name is David Chibo and I'm a local member of the ALP in the Federal seat of Calwell, northern Melbourne as well as a proud
member of Labor for refugees.
In today's Age I read about the Labor for Refugees proposal to free all
asylum seekers from detention which failed to win the backing of the
federal opposition's immigration spokesman.
Please forgive me if you have heard of this idea from someone else, but
I thought I'd give you my pragmatic opinion on how the ALP can not only
take back our lost initiative but finally resolve this issue and win over the
moral majority as the ALP desperately needs to differentiate its
policies from the Liberal's.

Start by stating that the ALP will technically not end mandatory
detention, appeasing the voters looking for a "tough" and "decisive" leader on
foreign affairs issues.
The ALP could then announce their intention to streamline the detention
process and ensure that illegal detainees are held for as short a time
as possible. Most asylum seekers should have their health, and security
checks completed within a couple of months of arriving "illegally" in
Australia. And, of course, anyone not found to be an asylum seeker
should be sent back.

End forever the dreaded Temporary Protection Visa (TPV). Once an asylum
seeker is confirmed allow them to settle in specified areas where their
skills can be utilised and they can assist the Australian economy.
Asylum seekers will be released with full Medicare, benefits and
education. The only penalty Asylum seekers will pay for coming
"illegally" will be to lose their choice of settlement location. They and their families will be required to stay within a specified location, for a specified period of time.
There are many rural areas where there is a distinct shortage of labour.
A family who arrives illegally by boat and is processed should be
released after 2 months and then given Medicare, benefits and education but told that they can only access these services in a rural location. They will be
free but forced to "plant their roots" in rural areas where they will
contribute to the rural economy and provide rural Australia with a mosaic of
languages and culture.

I believe that new policy, although far from ideal, will not only place
the ALP ahead of the Liberal party but can capture many rural National
voters if it is exploited properly.

Morally ALP will recapture the "high ground" by ending the jailing of
women and children for unspecified periods of time only to be eventually freed
to the uncertainty of the Temporary Protection Visa (TPV).

I hope you don't mind me expressing my opinion on this sensitive issue.
I wish you nothing but success in the coming elections and look forward to
the day when you will be able to lead our magnificent nation.

Kindest regards,
David Chibo
Melbourne, Australia


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