Mommy, Mommy...Israel Made Me Do It!!! |
Posted by
- Monday, May 3 2004, 0:40:43 (CEST) from - - ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
the Americans are adept at making puppets. Right now they need Terrorists something fierce...Israel needed them too. I have no doubt at all that this is a deliberate policy...and that it it isn`t hard at all to find the right "profiles" to fill the job..then act shocked and fire them all thereby reassuring everyone that it was a mistake and things have been cleaned up. I also have no doubts that all these photos were taken and leaked deliberately for the express purpose of enraging Muslims the world over...and while Bush and Cheney are protected and safe, paid for by will be regular Americans who`ll pay..but then their coffins and funerals make the best photo-ops. Americans too are getting exactly what they deserve. No one`s children ones...deserves to live in this kind of world..a world made delibetaely dangerous just so some can get rich protecting us...from them. The Mob played the same racket..."hey want to buy some protection for your pretty store and that nice new window"?..."no thank you..I don`t think I need worry"...and that night a rock goes through the window...and the next day the man buys protection from the United States. --------------------- |
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