The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: A Poem for Alexander

Re: A Poem for Alexander
Posted by Alexander (Guest) - Wednesday, October 22 2003, 23:46:25 (EDT)
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Jeff, I think you took that a little personally, and I wonder whether it is not one who wonders, but if in fact you wonder. Actually, I don't go to other forums, nor this one. I recently resumed posting here though, as you can see. And I will likely continue to do so as long as I feel like it.
As for doing well in school while posting here all day and all night, I would point out first that except for today, I have not posted 'round the clock. Today, after studying and going to school, I did not have to work, so after helping some family member of mine with real estate affairs and paper work for a few hours, I went and had dinner outside. I then came back and continued working on school work(since you are interested in my progress), on the computer- and since I had posted some things earlier, I wanted to check on the forum to see if there were any responses. Yep, today was a day when I was doing lots of things on the computer, so I could easily peek into the forum and type something up, and if I took a leisurely break from my schoolwork, I could even manage to type on the forum even longer. I hope that cleared up any worries you had about me and my schoolwork. Good luck with yours by the way.

Jeff wrote:
>One wonders how you succeed in school (collitch) when you spend all day and >all night at this forum... and probably at AINA and others...

farid wrote:
>Jeff, oh Jeff,
>How many names begin with Jeff....
>Jeffrey Dommer, Jeff Bodine,
>yet Jeff Achoo is the favorite one for me
>I think about my little poopy
>Everytime I sneeze,
>And I think I can hear him whispering in the wind,
>everytime there is a breeze
>Oh Jeff, Oh Jeff,
>An artist's best friend you are,
>you are to me,
>just like a shining star.
>--Thank you for reading my poem, as an artist, I appreciate all those who take an interest in my work of art, whether it be a sculpture of Shamu- I mean Shamiram- or a poem....


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