Re: And By The /Way... |
Posted by
- Friday, February 27 2004, 14:22:14 (EST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
The Nineveh Kid wrote: >Regarding this remark: > >Parhad said: ...lure this the thanks we get for inviting you in. > >Oh, I'm sorry, I thought there were no ulterior motives... so, it's thanks you want, that's the ticket required for admitance to your Forum. Well then, here it is: THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS! > >THAT SHOULD COVER ALL OF MY POSTS! I THINK I'D RATHER RUN THE RISK OF BEING BANNED THAN KOW TOW TO THE LIKES OF YOU AND YOUR, OPEN (HAH, HAH) FORUM! > >TNK my...bitchy little kid aint we. Who asked you to kow tow...who banned you or deleted you, or asked anything of you at all, except you give it your best you shot yourself, is that my fault too...honestly, give you guys enough rope and you not only hang yourselves but get pissed at me for giving you the rope. Youīve had every opportunity to explain yourself and lure anyone you wanted to...if you lured everybody off of here what would I care? Let the other forums...staffed and manned and cowarded by Christians, give us a tenth of the chance and decency we accorded you...I donīt mind that the others are MEAN to me or YELL at me or call me NAMES...I donīt need to be liked or popular or have people agree with me or they canīt post...whatīs the matter with you anyway? Your head isnīt beginning to crack is it? The cement between your ears isnīt giving it? Youīre all soon as you get "free"...youīll go to sinning like mad and tell me THATīS why WE WE WE need gods and Devils...because YOU are an indecent person barely holding on to your own cock. --------------------- |
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