Re: Anti-Christianity or... |
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- Sunday, April 25 2004, 6:23:14 (CEST) from - - ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
just came away refreshed from their a lot of comments from readers..not a one of whom seemed to want to kill someone for a God. Jesus was a front for the Romans..that`s all. It`s a hypocrites religion from the start...the people who made it hum and pay were never Christian in any sense of the word...except as murderers of the Innocents...and eating and drinking them after just made those kinds of people. The religion was born in blood and human sacrifice and it never stopped. For all the boys wailing about how many Christians Muslims have killed and their calls to help Christians here and help them one in history has killed more Christians than Christians themselves. They ALWAYS lay their bloody deeds at the feet of someone else...usually the "wrong" Christians who run the goddamned show. Thanks Tony...that was heartwarming. --------------------- |
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