Re: Eternal Consequences |
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- Wednesday, March 3 2004, 15:05:53 (EST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
It makes it apparent that you cannot even converse with someone without their accepting certain uprovable statements. I, for example, don't see your god as holy or even existing, except in your own thoughts. If you can point out evidence that supports otherwise, please do so. The sort of belief that you cannot see beyond and even dialogue to others without invoking, is something that has torn our people for a long time and I'm hoping that you can reference your culture without discriminating against those who have different beliefs or no strong superstitious beliefs. When I say this I am attempting to diminish the divisive influence fanaticism can bring to us. Too many have died, too much hard feelings have come between people and groups, based on these rather silly beliefs, or more accurately, by people that cannot resist wallowing in them as a crutch or in place of thinking. --------------------- |
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