Re: I disagree with you. |
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- Wednesday, October 22 2003, 9:05:38 (EDT) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Once Khomeini took over, Iran fell back to the stone age. Harsh Islam was used as the Constitution, and people started discriminating and became more and more close-minded due to the lack of education and rising poverty. +++Khomeni "took over" with the direct aid of the well educated Christian United States. Israel was put there through the efforts of well educated Germans and then other Christians. There isn't a damn thing in any religion that makes a better person out of anybody...its value and the support it receives comes because it provides a cover to the ones who'd have none to commit their crimes behind. There are crimes being committed against Americans now in the name of religion by other was never the good people who imposed religions...good people wondered aloud...the opportunists heard something they could use to ride rough shod over people with. +++More blood has been shed in the name of religion than any other thing. No institution other than the Christian Church taught people to hate and then kill Jews and we're all suffering for it to this day. You may hate Jews as a people...but when you're taught they killed your can do what you want to them. +++When I say "religion" you see what you'd like to react to the promise you think it believe it has inspired what decency there is on earth...I see what it's actually done...I don't believe the Roman Empire turned Christian because Caesar had a change of heart...I don't believe Jesus appeared in the sky and helped Constantine go kill more soldiers and make more widows and orphans...but I DO believe Constantine figured his soldiers were put together pretty much the same way you are...with a cross in one hand and a sword in the can kill twice as many. --------------------- |
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