Re: The Constitution |
Posted by
- Tuesday, February 10 2004, 13:11:29 (EST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
hear hear! It is a marvel that white men...almost all slaveholders and certainly mostly of the opinion that women were an inferior species (and they didn´t know XXXX XXXXX)who could have set up another kingdom and royal line and enforced one religion only...still created a system whereby centuries later a Transvestite Queer could be afforded equal rights and respect for his/her dignity. As they love to say..."Make No Mistake About It"---this religious offenseive has nothing less as its aim than to gut the essence of the Constitution with oily proimises aboiut putting us "Firmly Under God"...which they make sound like a really neat place to be...and THEN he´ll fuck you over all the easier. --------------------- |
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