The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Whatever...

Re: Whatever...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, February 27 2004, 20:38:39 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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The Nineveh Kid wrote: find it hard to leave? Why do you keep threatenning us with that you?

>PARHAD SAID: my...bitchy little kid aint we. Who asked you to kow tow...who banned you or deleted you, or asked anything of you at all, except you give it your best you shot yourself, is that my fault too...honestly, give you guys enough rope and you not only hang yourselves but get pissed at me for giving you the rope. You´ve had every opportunity to explain yourself and lure anyone you wanted to...if you lured everybody off of here what would I care? Let the other forums...staffed and manned and cowarded by Christians, give us a tenth of the chance and decency we accorded you...I don´t mind that the others are MEAN to me or YELL at me or call me NAMES...I don´t need to be liked or popular or have people agree with me or they can´t post...what´s the matter with you anyway? Your head isn´t beginning to crack is it? The cement between your ears isn´t giving it? You´re all soon as you get "free"´ll go to sinning like mad and tell me THAT´S why WE WE WE need gods and Devils...because YOU are an indecent person barely holding on to your own cock.
>Personally, I don't care what you think of Christianity or Christians. shows

I think anyone who is honest and sincere about what they say is entitled to their opinion.

no doesn t work that are entitled to YOUR opinionm if you are honest and is none of your business what others are or when they can post or cant post...that s my business and everyone is welcome to post whatever they want to...and they can use their real names...Kid.

I didn't post here to convert anyone or gain acceptance by anyone or become popular either.

...bully for you.

The only thing I honestly hoped for was an honest, reasoned exchange of our opposing ideas and beliefs. But, Mr. Parhad, I just don't believe that you are being honest.

...neither are matter how many times you spell the word correctly...neither is Bush, BooHoo, Thomas Jefferson or

You just want to get off on anyone that has a Christian point of view.

...not at all. I was thinking about Christianity long before you got into diapers...and I ll keep thinking about it when you go...and there are no Christians around...

And that's okay with me too, if that's your bag, but maybe you should have stated that upfront, so I didn't have to waste so much of my time on a dunderhead like you.

...this dunderhead can slap you and ten more like you AND you god around the block with ease any old time.

I think there should be some personal profit in everything people do (I don't mean material). I'd like to think I could learn something positive, even from your negative point of view regarding Christianity, but I can't.

...I am very positive...I am positive it is a great scam...I am positive that Africans would never have become Christian had they not been beaten and raped into it...and I believe the Romans were doing the same back still haven[t addressed any of this because you can[ is the GODS honest just call names and blather...and it s wonderful because everyone can see you fall apart and go off topic to get personal..but I don[t mind...I know and knew before that you would merely hyperventilate.

You are just too filled with bitterness and hatred to carry on an intelligent exchange. s a good thing you don t project your inadequacies...I am not bitter at all...I am a barrel of laughs...I laugh most of the time I read you ...seems to me you re a bit of the bitter pill around here...I am having lots of fun.

Your ego has you convinced that you are the supreme intellect, so instead of sticking to the issues you are compelled to answer with insult, venom and hatred.

...not at all...I just ask questions you apparently can t answer and it upsets you terribly. I asked you about a hateful religion and pointed out the instances of its starving children to death or forcing Jews to convert and stealing their children from them..these are hateful things...but I didn t do them..your church is your church that is bitter and lacking in humor or humanity...not guys shit on the carpet and then get pissed at me because I ask...who shit here?

Even that would be okay with me, if there was a real reasoned intellectual debate going on, but there isn't and you can't see it because your so consumed with bitterness and hatred. I m not...there have been numerous points just have nothing to say about them...hell you even began by saying there were things you would not talk about...I ll talk about anything..when your church behaves in hateful ways...when it teaches cannibalism to children...don t expect me to keep silent and then call me bitter if I throw your own violence and barbarity back at you.

That cloud's the exchange. You peg everyone who is a Christian as a contributor to the suffering of our people in Iraq.

...I merely return the favor as our Christians fob off all the suffering of the people of Iraq on Islam or Saddam..even to blaming the deaths of 500,000 Assyrian children onto him when the entire world except them knows who did it...Christians. Well...aren t they? It is the Christians who mounted the Crusades and it is a numduts of a Christian president...a compassionate one no less, who used that word again..and it is what is going on...just like it was a holocaust and the greatest crime against humanity when the Christians mounted their Crusade against Jews. What do you want me to do about it...make myself stupid as well so I can be blissful like you?

Well, Mr. Compassion, outside of your artistic contributions to the ungrateful American Assyrian Community,

...I didn t do it for them...I did it for mother and my children...the rest of you can benefit or fuck yourselves...what is it to me? I didn t say I was going to make Assyrians out of others...I said I would act and make things as an Assyrian would. It is up to them to decide what benefits them or not...I merely take delight in pointing out the many obvious signs there are that these are not Assyrians..they are raped Christians who also deliver their children up to be raped..often Chinese mothers were the ones to hold their daughters while men broke their tiny too are a raped Christian...with about as much understading of what love or peace or truth is as a woman or man raped since childhood would know of love or sex.

if you are so concerned about all of our people in Iraq that you constantly accuse me of killing and bonbing and torturing and harming in every conceivable manner possible, what have you done to help them?

...not a damn thing...but I don t help kill them...and I don t cheer it on and I won t subscribe to the religion that wiped out six million Jews barely 60 years ago and is now starting again with 500,000 Assyrian children.

Why are you south of the border? Why don't you go over there and help them?

...why don t you stop telling people what to do...challenge their ideas instead.

You don't care about Assyrians at all. You only care about yourself and your self image. Your own words constantly convict you. If all of the sacrilege, blasphemy, profanity helped other people, I'd say fine, but your only intention is to alienate.

...there is no sacrilege, blasphemy and profanity is my own business...the other two are words you attach to what people choose to do that you don t like...who the fuck asked you? The last time these things were all were killing and burning a lot of innocent people at the stake...who asked you to kill people who have their own point of view. If it upsets you tough shit...the sight of Madjolin bothers me a lot more.

You are a law unto yourself. That's the way you want it. Nobody is twisting your arm big shot. It's comforting to know that there is only one of you in this Universe. Enjoy your misery!

...enjoy your joy.


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