The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: parpola

Re: parpola
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Saturday, March 20 2004, 23:50:20 (EST)
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I've often wondered the same thing, but I never went so far as to suggest that perhaps he's preaching to the choir or whatever your analogy was. I read whatever I could find that he wrote that has been made public, and I don't think anything that he has said is outlandish or exaggerated...

But that last line of your message definitely rings true.

parhad wrote:
>I figured something like would happen at beth...they`ve reposted an old interview article by Parpola...I`m assuming it`s the one where he makes all our hearts glad by saying there is some proof that Christian beliefs were very close to Ashur it wasn`t so much a dumping as an abandonment...or something..though no one bothers to speculate as to why the Jews didn`t dump Yahwe for Ashur...seeing as how they were "almost the same thing"...when they`d have gotten the benefit of all that culture and soap as well.
>This is a tough one...I don`t want to disparage a good man and a noted fellow in his field and I am grateful for the even-handed and fair things he`s said about us. But...he`s also a scholar and as Norman Solkha has demonstrated by packing a few in his suitcase when he travels...scholars need support just like sculptors do...and as any number of studies and books too are skewed towards with the Jews shouldn`t be too much of a novelty to wonder if Parpola is playing to the choir a little.
>It still begs the question...if the two religions were close enough and yet the Assyrian Civilization was so much further advanced...why did people not come over to Ashur? My guess is they increasing numbers...but that it was the Jews who killed everyone who disagreed with them making their fierce murders for a god seem ever so much the real thing...especially among those who became even more lost in the cosmopolitan and open society of Betnahrain.
>But was the Roman Empire that made Christianity...not Christ.
>The person who accepts all gods and people is likely to be a clam, peaceful sort who`d rather read a book or cook a fine meal than mount a horse and go looking for heretics and infidels to "convert". Eventually nastiness and murder will win out...because at the least the peaceful sort, in order to survive, will adopt the tactics of the little shits...that`s what`s happened to the Democratic`s what Clinton had to do to "win"...renounce the principles of the Democratic practise at least.
>Yul Brynner said a friend advised him once to seek out people superior to him and avoid those who were inferior...said the inferior ones would pull a person down to their level...those above would inspire him to climb up to meet them.


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