The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: the wages of cowardice

Re: the wages of cowardice
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Monday, February 23 2004, 12:06:55 (EST)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Netscape
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I couldn't agree more. Way to go Nineveh Kid and Ashur for defending your beliefs publicly.

To those who are afraid and anonymous at AINA:
If you don't stand behind your words, what good are they?

Tiglath wrote:
>I must admit that even if I don't totally agree with the Nineveh Kid or my khizma Ashur at least they have the passion to bring their thoughts here where we can discuss them logically.
>They've earned my respect for at least stepping out and walking in the sun for once. That's something we all need to do if we are to survive in this world.


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