The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> The American Political Tradition

The American Political Tradition
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Tuesday, April 13 2004, 11:57:09 (EDT)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Netscape
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In class a few weeks ago the discussion drifted from the Constitution to the current Vietnam, ahem, I mean, Iraq situation. The class is small - I'd say less than 15 people - but as the discussion went around the room I was struck by the number of people with relatives and spouses who were in "Eye Rack"...more than half of the room. I began to feel bad for these people, whose relatives were off fighting a war for billionaires. Families will be torn apart when they die... and then I began to feel even worse for the real victims who have been dying for over a decade in Iraq.


The full topic:

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