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Posted by el iraqui (Guest) - Friday, January 23 2004, 21:10:00 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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In February there's going to be a hearing in San Jose, California, in Superior Court to set a trial date in the "Bejan vs Parhad and Atto" non-case. The Judge said we don't have to make a trip just for that...that if we send letters to him telling him when we're available for a trial, he'll set the date. We're all waiting on Jeff to finish school...or school to finish him...can't tell which. Me...I Art all day so I'm always available.

I think Shawn will show up alone at the trial and tell the judge, when our turn comes, that Bejan has magnanimously decided to drop the case. I don't believe she wants to see either of us this side of the grave. This bitch couldn't take "No, thank you, I don't want to fuck you...go see your husband instead"...without going apeshit on us. For the last three years before Nimrod and then Jackie and Atour Golani got into the act, I was finally making some dough selling sculpture. YOU try it. Those three years I averaged around $90,000 clear. Not bad for any sculptor but fantastic for an Assyrian sculptor and astounding when you consider I was making ASSYRIAN pieces AND selling to ASSYRIANS.

That isn't only something for me to feel good about...but the rest of us too, especially our talented young people who don't want to be the 456th doctor in their immediate family and neighborhood...but have been too frightened and for good reason, to take the plunge. All that came to a halt and the year after I had to cut prices in half and borrow money from a bank and my kids did without presents at Christmas...they got over it easily enough...but consider the kind of woman who does such a thing...and then imagine her being upset because I tell the truth about the lies she spread...and the legs she spread...and how I wouldn't take the bait or the bite.

Dear Lord let her go into that courtroom. Please, please. One way or the other all the same posts will be in international circulation so she'll just have to sue me all over again and in other countries. And now I've got the goods on her lawyer as well...Ashur must watch out for me.

And why go to all this trouble? That's easy...we can have nothing of anything...aspire to anything so long as we idolize and worship "leaders" such as these who would go THAT far to keep themselves in Glory and damn everything else...who would ruin a man's professional career that took over twenty long and difficult years to build...take away the means by which he feeds and houses his children...Assyrian children...and all for THIS???

The day Jackie and others like her are sent packing will be the day our modern course through history might begin...till then we're all just beggars.


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