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=> american suryoyo.dum

american suryoyo.dum
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, March 20 2004, 17:07:38 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

some guy from there named "g"...his real, honest, name no doubt...agreed that Ben was a treasure and they should just ban idiots like me. Since he had his eaddress there I clicked onto their, when you go to Iraq`s site, A Muslim site, you`ll see Assyrian sculpture as well as other symbols, including the Cresecent of islam AND the Cross of Jesus...on American Suryoyo you`ll see the Statue of Liberty and a crucified and bleeding Jesus or somebody...and in the background one of those pagan temples of theirs they`re so proud of...and that`s it.

Not a damn thing Assyrian to it because there isn`t a damn thing Assyrian about them...just the usual ploy to convince the Statue Of Liberty that their NATIONAL DIAPERS need how about a new country?


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