The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> from a sane god

from a sane god
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, March 15 2004, 12:54:12 (EST)
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...what if right now every Assyrian lost interest in being Christian any longer? What would the poor priests do? Did it take you long to think of it...? Why, they'd go work for another Christian outfit. You don't suppose we'd have use for them do you? And what of them? Will they miss us, or damn us to hell for losing faith in them? Think not? Think they'll always love an Assyrian no matter what? No matter if he or she dumps Christianity...what if we turned to ISLAM??? Then what? What would our clergy feel about their once "dear" flock if we went after Muhammad? We already sort of know what Christian parents can feel towards their own child for marrying one...throw him or her away...filthy and dirty ingrate to give up CHRIST.

So what do you suppose DID happen when we did that...when Assyrians who'd turned to Christ turned yet again to Muhammad? Were they loved in spite of it and was it overlooked? Were they forgiven because being Assyrian was the MOST important thing, never mind your religion? Did their family and friends mourn the loss or cut them off cold? And centuries later down the road when Western Christianity know, CHRISTIANS...did our Christians in the MidEast feel like "friends" and "help" and "love" was on the way...even though they came to plunder and kill them in their own countries?
Why...because Assyrians were coming or Christians???...just plain old...any matter how white or skunky..but CHRISTIANS to the rescue...for anything was preferable to the dominant presence and the constant reminder that OUR OWN Assyrians had turned to Muhammad and away from Christ...though we congratulate our Christian selves for turning away from Ashur...and aren't we right now today calling on all Chrstians anywhere to go kill our brothers and sisters who turned away from Christ?

Verily we are a mess among the nations...not a thing of pride or joy at all...just second-hand murderers and traitors who think by not actually pulling the trigger we somehow escaped infamy...and if we sell our cuntry to any Christian army we're "saving it".

Ask a priest and watch him. This is the real and only gift Hebrews gave to Assyrians...massive intolerance. Something we never had as Assyrians when we had a sane god.


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