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- Saturday, February 21 2004, 15:39:08 (EST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Written by new on 20 Feb 2004 23:45:17: Christians in Iraq fear isolation and loss of rights by Gerald Butt, Middle East Correspondent ...Muslims in Iraq fear being sanctioned to death and their children killed or 13 years now. THOUSANDS of Iraqi Christians are either fleeing the country or making plans to do so, leaving the minority community feeling vulnerable amid the political turmoil and uncertainty about the future. ...they claim they've been fleeing for centuries...maybe they HAVE flees? They had to flee before Saddam...they had to flee during Saddam and now they have to flee after Saddam. Maybe Christians just flee all over the it a religious ritual or something? How many can there have been is they've been fleeing for centuries and are still there? Besides...what's the big fucking deal with them fleeing? Let em flee...Muslims certainly fleed the Christian bombs. Even I'm beginning to feel like fleeing before I get fleed. “They are leaving in large numbers — especially the young,” says Nawal Aziz, a Chaldean Christian studying in Lebanon, who has just returned from a visit to Iraq. “They are wondering how they will fit into a new Iraq where the Shias, the Sunnis and the Kurds are vying for power.” ...they should have thought of that before...when Saddam was keeping the clerics out of government in a secular the Shah tried to do for years in is the Christian West that saw in these fundamentalists the chance to bring instability and weaken the civil government from within...same thing they did in America and still are. The Christians have become alarmed at the way in which the political system — with American encouragement — is being shaped along ethnic and religious lines. gee! What a surprise!!! “The selection of the members of the Governing Council was based on sectarian and ethnic identification more than anything else,” says the Iraqi journalist Walid Khadduri. “It could perhaps be argued that this was necessary in the early days after the fall of the Saddam regime. However, the Iraqis are now discovering that the same principle of sectarian and ethnic proportional representation is also being applied in the case of cabinet ministers, ambassadors, etc. And this is leaving the Christians out in the cold.” ...Christians put themselves in the cold...certain our own nuts who think they get an Assyria based on Christian beliefs...there have been plenty of Christians who did and will do just fine in Iraq. Your article is more Christian propaganda. My responses are Assyrian propaganda. Furore There are other causes for concern — notably the recent replacement of Iraqi civil law concerning family affairs with shariah law. This has caused a furore in Iraq, particularly among women, Muslims as well as Christians, who have fought hard for their rights. ...thank the Americas for that...they will bring instability to that region any way they can..and if they have to "bow" to the dominant Muslim religion...though they'll choose the most bckward part of it...well it sort of washes their hands. All they'll really have done in the end is make life harder for everyone in Christians will just have to take your lumps with the rest. “It is not so much that Christians feel in physical danger — rather, there is a threat to their liberty,” says Ms Aziz. “We feel we are being forced to wear headscarves, particularly in the Shia-dominated south.” ...there are millions of Muslims in FRance who know how you feel...get ALL your rel;igions back in cages and let us build civil society that respects the rights of all...if one of you cals on god...what do you think the ohers will do? Under Saddam Hussein’s rule, sectarian and ethnic divisions were kept under covers. While life was tough for all Iraqis, Christians did not feel isolated as they do now. was NOT tough for ALL Iraqis...the facts just don't back any of this's the same lie Aprim keps repeating as if to justify the damnation and ruin they brought to the country..."it was really WORSE than it is now...THANK US"! The size of the Iraqi Christian community is not known for certain, but estimates put it at about one million. ...with all that fleeing for centuries? Assyrians, who make up five to ten per cent of Christians, have a powerful lobby in the United States, Iraqis say. They have been supportive of the US-led administration. ...oh get OUT! Their policy is winning them representation. The Governing Council recently named 80 Iraqis as ministry under-secretaries. Of the total, there were 40 Shias, 16 Sunni Arabs, 16 Kurds, four Turkomans, and four Assyrians. No other Christians were chosen. About a dozen of the appointees were close relatives of members of the council. Within hours, the US Civilian Administrator Paul Bremer had suspended the appointments because they had been made on a sectarian and party basis. Also, ministers had not been consulted. In the view of Ms Aziz: “It’s a sign of the mentality of the new leaders of Iraq, and doesn’t augur terribly well for the Christian minority in the future.” ...the Chrstins HAVE no future there...not unless they stop this 'give us Assyria back' bullshit. Their only hope iS to make their religion a private, personal matter and keep their mouths shut about "taking back Assyria". --------------------- |
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