The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> on cannibalism

on cannibalism
Posted by panch (Guest) - Saturday, January 17 2004, 21:01:24 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
Website title:

,,,Jung had his archetypes and Freud was all over the place...I'm trying to figure out if there ought to be a syndrome...or a category of mental defectiveness that would cover cannibalism as symbollic love...or is it symbollic cannibalism as love?

Forget for a minute that we're discussing cannibalism...let's take anything that is universally frowned upon and said to be disgusting and just about the worst thing anyone can do...and then imagine what to call the process that takes that very thing and turns it around into a symbol of "Pure" and "Perfect" Love.

Take your choice...what? Shitting in a old man's face? Okay, let's take that. It isn't as awful a thing as eating human flesh and drinking human blood but it's close. Now imagine a religion coming along, full of morality and platitudes about kindness and decency and sweetness and loving behavior...and imagine it chooses, as the best expression of its values and teachings...shitting on an old man's face.

Would you be shocked? Would you be surprised? Would you want to ask someone something? Would you hesitate? Would you wonder what kind of god would demand such a thing...even symbollically? Would you be afraid to live in a community among people, neighbors and friends, who now regularly practise, as a religious rite, what until yesterday was seriously condemned...even considered a crimminal offense?

Or would you drop your pants and take a dump for the Lord? Would you want to get into such a god's heaven THAT badly?

You tell me the difference...


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