The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> some things don't change

some things don't change
Posted by el iraqui (Guest) - Tuesday, January 20 2004, 14:33:31 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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It's been over THREE YEARS and they're STILL at this Bishop shmuck of theirs at beth.

Have to a way out of another hole he dug himself into, Hanna "The Najjar" Hajjar, told me that their's wasn't a religious forum at all so would I stop discussing Christianity or they'd have to ban and delete and castrate me.

Religion is ALL they deal in over there.

Written by Shamosho on 20 Jan 2004 06:31:53:

The news circulating in california is that Bishop Kaplan rejected the demand of the US courts to make the accounting books public, and took the fifth.

Last sunday, Bishop Kaplan violated L.A. Graphitti laws, when he painted lines around the church property. He also set a camera man with a vido camera to monitor those whom he excommunicated from crossing that line.

I wonder when did Jesus draw a line around the church to prevented people from entering? But that's understadable because the bishop doesn't follow the practices of Jesus.

If you enter the Syriac Orthodox church in Burbank you will see many cameras installed by the Bishop all around to monitor the people, it looks more like a jail than a church.

I think that the Bishop with his video experience should go to Hollywood and get into the movie business.

Ya Aloho hab gelo lu Hasyo didan. He needs it!

note: If you stand on a sidewalk, drop your drawers and grease your's a given that SOMEONE is going to come along and screw you. You shouldn't put yourself in that position to begin with.


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