were those Christian pricks |
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- Sunday, May 2 2004, 16:36:40 (CEST) from - customer-148-233-93-22.uninet-ide.com.mx ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...forced into Muslim mouths...or Muslim dicks in Christian mouths? You really suppose the kinds of American Liberators named "Chip" first asked if the Iraqis were Christian..and if they were...do you suppose, Jassim, that they were released unharmed? Wouldn`t that be too sweet...since we`ve all lost our minds anyway..if a Jassim was forced to lick Muslim cock by his beloved American soldiers..liberating him from his distaste of Arab meat? ...Hey Kristian Kanna, you want to praise Bush some more? You guys think this will make Christians in Iraq safe and secure..free from a Simele? If you`re counting on the forebearcne of Muslims...of their not taking your dear Christian litle boys and girls out back and "simulating" rape and sodomy..think again. Not even in your wilderst lies did you accuse Saddam of this...it took American Liberators, whose praises you couldn`t sing loud enough, to do this to Iraqis....Assyrians all. The repubs blasted Clinton for his blow jobbing Monica...and they gotr a kick out of the details...but it took George Bush to take the American army to Iraq...to "dear" Iraq where they forced Iraqi Muslims and Christian give each other blow jobs...Republicans love to watch. And you know they did more...you know they`ve been doing it at Guantanamo..you know they`ve raped them and stuck their toes up Assyrian asses and who knows what else..and you know they`re doing it to women and girls and boys...you know that because America needs Terroriats something fierce or General Electric stock will fall...along with the NASDAQ...and the boys like their enviable lifestyle. This is a shame and a horror so large it`s difficult to accomodate it in your head and not burst. But the boys can...easily, for it`s what they wanted as well..it`s the revenge they`ve been seeking all their lives..visited on their own people just because they abandoned Jesus..when ALL of them abandoned Ashur. Assyrians my ass....and theirs..with an American bayonet shoved up it. Not even Saddam was accused of these kinds of horrors when his army attacked Kuwait..army fought army...the most they could do was invent the incubator and the tossed baby on a sword story...and since they were lying anyway...they could as easily have lied about Kuwaitis being forced to give blow jobs..but they didn`t think to go that far..because NONE of it happened...Saddam didn`t want to terrorize the Kuwaitis..Iraq has always cvlaimed Kuwait..you know, like the boys want their triangles? Plus which Kuwait and the Bush family were stealing Iraqi oil underground and wouldn`t stop...but only America needs to create Terrorists...to keep the Protection Racket going. There hasn`t been a money-maker like this since the heyday of Communism..dirt poor farmers in Vietnam and Chile who were also, "envious" and coming to "git us whar we lived". Look at the bottom lines of all these corporatioons and see which division made the greatest profit this last year and then come tell me about freedom and demcoracy and blow jobs. --------------------- |
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