The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Aprim in Wonderland

Aprim in Wonderland
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 2 2004, 13:02:16 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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His knee-jerk, jingoistic scholarshit is really something to behold. He lifts phrases out of the Koran that caution Muslims to beware Christians while at the same time respecting them and their prophet...though keeping tobgue in cheek about Jesus being the son of a god. He neglects to go through that butcher`s handbook, the bible, in which every deceit, bloody act, incest and murder are glorified...up to and including the New Testament whose "Good News" is that you can benefit from the murder of the innocent, so what the hell...go for it...

He sits in a Christian country that`s invaded Iraq on trumped up charges that seem to bother no one, though when the Nazis did it we never heard the end of it...he pays allegence to a Church and considers it superior when that church has condoned and lead the way in committing the most heinous crimes against an entire people for over 1000 years...blaming them for killing god when it was the same fucking Romans who made the Church that did it...a country that starved to death and denied medicine and clean water to the children of Iraq resulting in their death at the rate of 5000 a month for 13 years...that declared calmly and openly for the entire Christian world to hear that this was an acceptable thing...a country that is occupying Muslim Iraq , killing, humiliating, torturing its innocent people in order to install a new puppet because the old one cut the strings...turning it`s outraged parents into become Freedom Fighters in the best American tradition...and he has the gall to say that Christians can`t trust MUSLIMS???

And he comes now demanding protection for CHRISTIANS???


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