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=> Bill FUCKING Reilly???

Bill FUCKING Reilly???
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, June 29 2004, 1:04:24 (CEST)
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...the first part of this post you can chalk up to the usual Christian nonsense..the second part...a commentary by Bill Reiley can be chalked up to the same nonsense...but Bill is more fun so let`s have at him...

Another Victory for the ACLU and its War on Christianity
Monday, June 28, 2004
By Bill O'Reilly`s good to know right off the bat your dealing with a jingoist..the ACLU defends the U.S. Constitution which is under seige by Christianity because it doesn`t allow them to burn "wrong" people, or ideas, at the stake...they never got over it.

Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly. Thank you for watching us tonight.

Another victory for the ACLU and its war on Christianity. That is the subject of this evening's "Talking Points Memo."

Take a good look at the county seal in Los Angeles, because it's about to change. Supervisors voted 3 to 2 to cave into the ACLU's demands that the small cross on the right be removed. And it soon will be, even though it's been there for 47 years.

...someone changed the Pledge Of Allegence several years back too...they stuck "god" into it when it was never there from the beginning..they did that during the 50s Commie Scare...the last time you boys used god to attack the Constituion. Whassamatter, don`t you like America?

The ACLU's Los Angeles director Ramona Richardson says the cross makes some Angelinos feel "unwelcome." Seeing people point out that the cross signifies the historical founding of Los Angeles by Catholic missionaries. was not "founded" and they weren`t Catholic "missionaries"...Los Angeles was built on lands stolen from the Native population by theives, cutthroats and murderers...bearing Jesus on their Front.

That historical argument seems to have some merit, because a few hundred miles north of L.A., federal Judge Phyllis Hamilton recently ruled that seventh graders at a Contra Costa County school could be forced to say Muslim prayers in a history class for the sake of history.

..she said no such thing. To familiraize schoolchildren about people their country was reviling 24 hours a day, you included...a teacher decided it might b a good idea to hear what their prayers sounded like..what they said when they prayed etc. She hardly demanded they pray to Allah every morning..which is what you would like to impose on the schools..the teacher was merely exercize that went on ONCE...why is it you people can`t deal honestly and openly...why have you and your church been accused of being Obscurantist since you first openned on Broadway?

By the way, just yesterday, Judge Hamilton declared the law banning partial birth abortion unconstitutional, thereby wiping out the will of the president, Congress, and the vast majority of Americans.

...By the way, a Supreme Court wiped out the will of the majority of Americans by installing THAT clown as president over us..or didn`t that "wiping out" bother you?

...It is the Juiciary`s CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to pass on the CONSTITUTIONALITY of ANY law passed by the congress and approved of by the president AND the people..that is our system of government since we were founded, nothing new...there is nothing odd or irregular in that. The judge would have failed in her CONSTITUTIONAL obligations had she not ruled on the CONSTITUTIONALITY of that law and all laws that are called into question. This is not a Soviet system our government we have something called CHECKS AND BALANCES...which we`ve never needed more than now...when you boys gave yourselves the Presidency. If the judge found the law to be UNCONSTITUTIONAL, then it is her DUTY to protect this nation by upholding the matters little what you or your majority and your minority President AND your god thinks about it..we are a CONSTITUTIONAL democracy and it`s worked just fine...especially as it`s kept you people from god-fucking us all.

Of course, Judge Hamilton knows far more about the constitution than anyone.

..she would be the last to say that..but she sure as hell knows a lot more about than you do..obviously, since you find it strange that a Judge would rule acording to LAW..human law as expressed in OUR CONSTITUTION and NOT Judo-Christian law.

And it would be interesting to see how this woman would rule if a public school history teacher forced his or her students to say Christian prayers. I'm sure the judge would support that, just as she supports Muslim prayers.

...Christian prayers are passe for Christian children, the are the norm. The judge would no more allow the imposition of Muslim prayers than she would Christian prayers...ALL religion is to be kept out of school and my asshole. If there is some new variant of the Christian religion and a teacher would like her students to recite a prayer reflecting those new beliefs, ONE one is going object...but what you people want to do is make REGULAR prayer a part of the school day and that is indeed UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Judge Hamilton and the ACLU are part of the anti-Christian cabal in America that sees the Christian majority as oppressors.

...if the cross fits. No one is anti-Christian..I wish they were. You boys still get your tax just started getting OUR money to send your snot nosed brats to basement madrassahs, you get your Faith Based Initiative now when none of this was allowed before...but you pretend you are being PUT DOWN and people have it out for you...I WISH it was true..I WISH we would take away your tax status...I wish the rest of us didn`t have to make up what you boys don`t kick in because condoms are so expensive and you`ve got those law suits to settle and pregnant women to pay off and children who need life-time I out to GET bet...I`m out to get you OFF our backs. The rest of us could give a shit what you do in your churches...but keep your fucking hands OFF our CONSTITUTION.

These people know they can never impose their secular agenda on this country, while Judeo-Christian philosophy dominates the philosophical arena.

...that means nothing. We`ll be satisfied "imposing" what Geroge Washington and James Madison and Thomas Jefferson had in mind as an AMERCAN agenda NOT a JUDO one. Judo philosophy NEVER "dominated" this nation..that`s what YOU want..all Judo all the time. The philosophy of "Separation of Church and State" dominates this nation...we allow you boys to do as you please in your churches and bedrooms...and we demand you leave us alone to do our government`s work. No one is stopping you from doing anything in your religion EXCEPT impose any of it on the rest of us.

..You boys tried this same ditzy ploy when the Mexicans in san Jose, California raised funds for a monument of their Aztec boys came scurrying out of the woodowkr and said " come these dirty Mexicans (well they didn`t actually say it but we know they feel it) get to put THEIR god`s image up on GOVENMENT land and WE can`t a nativity scene up at Christmass"??? And then you all cried and bawled and wailed...and when you finally calmed down a Mexican said...this Aztec god is no longer worshipped`s now merely a cultural symbol from our past..what is your problem, HONKY (well, he didn`t say that but we know what you are).

The day Christianity has no longer been practrised ANYWHERE on earth for at least 400 years...on THAT day you can put up a statue of Jesus...fair enough?

...if you feel the CONSTITUTION of the United States is being "unfairly" imposed on you...MOVE!

That's because Judeo-Christian philosophy requires judgments about wrong and right and personal behavior.

...yeah, we can see that in Palestine and Iraq.

The secularists deplore that.

...if we deplored that we wouldn`t be pointing out to you when you are WRONG according to the CONSTITUTION, which is the law of THIS land...and we wouldn`t tell you the CONSTITUTION was RIGHT to do so. We care a lot about right and wrong.

They want an open society, where anything goes,

..that`s an old one..give it up. None of us are promoting breaking the law as expressed by the will of the American people in the UNITED STATES fact we`re calling your churches to account when they break those laws, including child molestation...we DON`T want anything goes where out children OR CONSTITUTION are concerned..we`re simply stopping you from breaking AMERICAN Law.

including legalized drugs, any kind of abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage, and explicit images, a speech on the public airways.

...these are all dealt with in the CONSTITUTION...and those which are forbidden...remain forbidden. The CONSTITUTION makes no mention of abortions one way or the makes no mention of drugs, one way or the other, it makes no mention of homosexuals, one way or the other and says nothing about explicit pictures, one way or the other...what it DOES say loud and clear is that the government shall stay out of promoting any kind of religion..since it happens that America is a Christian land, that means Christianity must be kept out of official government seals, images, buildings programs etc. The CONSTITUTION allows you all the freedom to WORSHIP...if you want to decide that "worship" now will mean coming over into territory forbidden you by our CONSTITUTION..then it is every American`s duty to stop you and uphold the LAW OF THE LAND.

Unless America's tradition of opposing these kinds of behaviors is changed, the secularist agenda will never become a reality. So diminishing any Christian display in public is the goal. And encouraging alternative thought, like Muslim prayers helps that goal.

...Our goal is to uphold the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION..yours is to get around modify it..and not because you`re moral or religious, but because if you can gut it so badly and stand it on its head to allow what is expressly not allowed, in plain language..then you`ll be able to get around Environmental Law and International Law and Clean Air and Water Acts and Forest Protection Legislation and Consumer Protection Laws and all those agencies that are there to regulate you greedy sons of bitches..hiding behind your moral fronts.

The harsh truth is that many American Christians don't really care about what's happening. L.A. County could have fought the ACLU using lawyers at the Thomas More Law Center. And the Alliance Defense Fund would have taken the case for free.

...they don`t NOT CARE...they know and care for the CONSTITUTION very much and are grateful to it that in America, religion is between you and your god..and is kept out of public official government`re simply dismayed that you can`t brow beat and frighten enough of them to get them to join in demanding changes in our CONSTITUTION. ONE of you would have been enough to mount the kind of challenge you called come YOU didn`t do it?

But there's little outcry from the Christians of Southern California to fight. And so, the ACLU wins again.

...a "fight" in court is not a brawl in which numbers win the is a setting where people calmly put forth their opposing points view..cite previous law and precedent and refer it all to the CONSTITUTION. This is not a popularity contest or we never would have gotten rid of slavery...or Jim Crow..women would never have gotten the vote and so on. OUR CONSTITUTION was expressly designed to keep kings and tyrants from ingratiting themselves into office..or stealing an election..and then imposing their will upon our government..especially where the judiciary is is a marvelous system that keeps you god-people out of our hair..and you want to get into our hair and the Treasury too.

...If you thought you had a good case and had ten million people supporting every Nazi policy was VERY popular among still could not have brought all those people into court for a "fight". It doesn`t come down to numbers and who shouts the loudest...a courtroom is not yet your television studio where you run things. Wherever you people have to play fair, THAT`S where you lose.

"Talking Points" wants you to know that we are rapidly losing freedom in America.

...yes we are...because of you..not because of the people who insist we obey our CONSTITUTION. the same CONSTITUTION that gave us these freedoms is still in force..those provisions dealing with separation of church and state were placed there by the Founding Father..they were not SNUCK in by some cabal. YOU are the cabal that`s trying to sneak something past the American people..and we see you.....

Judges are overruling the will of the people. And fascist organizations like the ACLU are imposing their secular will.

...the ACLU isn`t a Facist Organization and they impose nothing. Judges who do as you say can be removed...that`s also in our laws. You have your judges whom we would accuse of exactly the same thing, so let`s all cut it out. The ACLU
cannot tell a judge what to do. They merely advocate as FRIENDS and GUARDIANS of the CONSTITUTION to keep "popular" Pop stars such as you Del Gibson from using your wealth and OUR airwaves to spread your agenda of lies and half-truths. The ACLU merely goes into court making its`s up to the opposition to make theirs..and a judge decides..that is the AMERICAN may not be the JUDO way...but that`s the way it goes in AMERICA.

And when was the last time you heard your priest, minister or rabbi talk about this? For me the answer is simple. Never.

...Then change churches.

You are a fraud and a sham...I could take you on with one pubic hair..the only way you get anywhere, like any bully, is by stacking the deck and ganging up on people. We all know that in a fair fight you`d fold and leave the studio in, Gibson AND your god of Judo..


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