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=> Bush`s Success

Bush`s Success
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 13 2004, 19:33:22 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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It must please him no end that Americans are killed in Saudi Arabia know..."the global war against Terrorism so give me your tax dollars and shut up...or are you a terror-lover"?

Everybody knew there were no WMDs in Iraq...everybody knew Suadis were the guys responsible, so they say, for 9/11...everybody knew the best way to create more pissed as hell Muslims while driving margnal ones into the arms of Freedom Fighting Minutemen Terrorists would be to attack Iraq and kill and fuck lots of innocent civilians. Everyone knew 9/11 made Bush, like the Reichstag Fire secured Hitler as the champion of law and order....and we all know where that led to.

The United States broke every international law to make money...because making money is linked to strength and integrity and high moral standing and security and everyone who ever believed that caused his family and country the greatest harm in the end..when the dust and coins settled.

There`s joy in Washington every time they hear of another American Muslims. They could give a shit about the 11,000 Americans killed by Americans each year by money-making weapons. Like the boys, it isn`t who or how many get`s WHO does the killing.

Go Bush!


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