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=> Hanna goes Bananas

Hanna goes Bananas
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, July 3 2004, 12:56:35 (CEST)
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Arab Countries Offering Peace Keeping Forces to Iraq.


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum

Written by Hanna Hajjar on 03 Jul 2004 11:37:06:

Since Arabs are offering peace keeping forces, why not Assyrians too?

I believe that we can easily raise a 10,000 Assyrian peace keeping force world wide.

Hanna Hajjar can`t get three Assyrians and a dog to gather in your basement...when have 10,000 of you ever agreeed on anything or come together for more than Bingo? You can`t keep the peace among each other in a hotel lobby...besides, as you never tire of telling us, you are one asked for a Christian Peace-Keeeping force...they saw what "liberators" look like, no one wants Christian peace-keepers either.

The Levies were the last Christian peace-keepers the people want to see...and all it means when you`re supplied and paid by the United States is that you`ll kill Muslims when America tells you to. There was peace in Iraq before the United States decided it wanted the oil so badly it would kill to get it at a are no country, you are no nation..the Muslim countries are..all you`d be is paid mercenaries...and you`d become their favorite targets and then you know you`d one was gunning for you in the first place and you still diaspored all over yourselves.


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