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=> INew Christians Under Every Rock

INew Christians Under Every Rock
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 16 2004, 21:45:02 (CEST)
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...this guy is a new one...I wonder his proooves are?

Written by Assyrian News on 16 Jun 2004 18:56:50:

U.S. promotes Islam in Iraq
June 15, 2004
© 2004

President Bush says he wants to free Iraq, to liberate it from the oppression of totalitarianism, to create a new model for liberty in the Middle East.

...Bush said lots of things. Were you one of the few you believed him? Or are you of the many who went along for what they thought they could get out of the lying bastard?

But Christians are fleeing while they can because the new constitution makes Iraq an officially Islamic republic.

...The United States Supreme court just this week all but declared America an official Christian nation. When Christians attack Muslim countries they naturally inflame Muslim religious passions. Why should they remain secular in the face of yet another Crusade? Were you also "shocked" to learn Iraq is mainly Muslim..and that in a demcoractic Iraq..the majority could decide to rule itself in any way it wants? Aren`t Christian Extremists furiously gathering up votes to impose their morality on the rest of us and the world? Hasn`t Bush`s camp sent out letters to encourage pastors to tout the Republican ticket? Didn`t the Bishop of Texas say he would refuse communion and the church`s blessings on any politicians who are pro-choice? Is Iraq the ONLY country rallying behind its God? Aren`t you boys DEMANDING rights and protections for YOUR religion? Isn`t the entire basis of your assinine claim to being Assyrians in the first place based SOLELY on your Christian religion? Haven`t you even made of Ashurbanipal`s language the "Language of Christ"? Isn`t it so important to you to excuse your betrayal of the Assyrian Heritage by coming up with such absurd statements as.."we all ran to the hills and hid in fear"...or, "Ashur is almost the same as Christ anyway"?

When the significant Christian community in Iraq failed to get even one seat on the executive council of the provisional government, the exodus began. began much sooner and would have been much larger if all of you who are safely out of it didn`t decide you wanted THEM to stay behind while you urged on a war, a Crusade that would make their lives hell...had any of you helped buy them tickets they ALL would have left...and now you`re wailing the fruits of your labor?

Christians also took as a cue the fact that they got only one ministry post in the new government – the Ministry of Emigration. Was that a hint? Apparently Christians in Iraq think so. have no sense of humor.

The churches are filled with Iraqis filling out baptismal forms required for the leaving the country.

...that shows you there`s still an active and an official role for the church to all these years the Iraqi government could simply have declated Christian records from any church null and void and silly too.

One deacon told Insight:

...YOU have something called Insight???

On a recent night, the church had to spend more time on filling out baptismal forms needed for leaving the country than they did on the service. We have been flooded with parishioners desperate to leave the country, and as they cannot get an exit permit without a baptismal certificate from the church, we have been swamped with requests. ... In recent days, nearly 400 families, as far as we can tell, have filled out baptismal forms to leave the country. Our community is being decimated.

According to figures from the Saddam Hussein regime, there are about 2.5 million Assyrian Christians in Iraq, representing about 10 percent of the total population of the country.

..they are Iraqi one recognizes their triangles or their claim to the exclusive use of the name "Assyrian"...except they theemselves..and as soon as we`re done explaining to the rest of the world just what kinds of nonsense this claim of yours is based on...helped immeasurably by your fool statements you so gleefully make now...when people haven`t had the time or interest to say..."WHAT"??? soon as we`re done explaining who the Assyrian descendnts of today are...well...bye bye.

There would be many more had the Assyrians not been systematically slaughtered in the last days of the Ottoman Empire. It is estimated that two-thirds of the population was wiped out in the early part of the 20th century. The Assyrians are not eager to see that kind of persecution again under Islamic rule.

..they were not systematically slaughtered...not until you recognize a "systematic slaughter" when it stares you in the face for 14 years, claiming 5000 Assyrian children a month, many of them Christian...can you speak about systematic slaughters...the Iraqis being killed today are indeed being systematically Christians..and ALL Iraqis are descended from the people of BetNahrain...Assyrians among them..and NONE of them were Christian.

"We thought the Americans were going to bring us freedom and democracy," one Christian told Insight. thought aren`t the first or the last to be fooled by his own foolishness.

"Instead, they are promoting Islam. We do not understand it. ... We love the Americans! We are so grateful for them removing Saddam and giving us back our freedom. We do not want their effort to be a failure if the dictatorship of Saddam is replaced by the dictatorship of Islam." you want a dictatorship of Christianity..and you`ll never get it OR a`ll get to leave..which is the best news BetNahrain has heard in a long long time..ever since the Romans came and fucked you all into Christ.

He continued: "The American-funded TV station, Al Iraqia, broadcasts Muslim programs four times every day and for two hours each Friday, but nothing from the other religions. The recent inauguration of the new government was opened by a Muslim mullah reciting a long passage and a prayer from the Quran, but none of our priests were invited. Why do they do this? Why do the Americans promote Muslims? They need to promote equality and democracy and freedom, not Muslim dictatorship." America we`re about sick and tired of this Christian dictatorship where the most powerful lawman in the nation starts his day off praying...Christian prayers to a Jew God! And you want the Muslims to hold off? In a democracy the Majority Rules and if they deicde to change religions or re-name streets or deny rights to is within their democractic right and power to do so. Democracy dopesn`t mean respect for Ashcroft.

Already Iraqi Christians are seeing the first signs of harassment and intimidation by the Muslim majority.

...Muslims in Iraq have been seeing these signs for 14 years and more..they also saw them when the Brits invaded and occupied the land...a time when they also witnessed the very Christian refugees they allowed into the country...fleeing for their lives form other Muslims...watched them don British occupier uniforms and carry British weapons and receive money from the Brits to harrass, intimidate and finally kill their hosts..they never forgot that though you boys have turned even that betrayal into one of your finest hours.

Go suck`s high time they showed all Christians to the people have been a constant liability...liable to have your heads turned by even the hint of Christian promises to help you...jackasses..and YOU complain???

"Our women are accosted on the street and intimidated to start dressing according to Islamic tradition, our businesses are being burned, and the constant harassment is because of the attitude of appeasement toward Muslims," said one priest.

...Muslim women are acosted in America and America Muslim women are forced to dress like Christian women or they can`t get a driver`s license..even though they are citizens..the same is happening in Europe...quit your weepy tears! Those businesses were liquor stores and they are forbidden under Muslim many Muslim rituals and practices will be forbidden in the West. which is want liquor stores and Saddam...or freedom and no booze?

...When Saudis Attacked the WTC, if they did...America had no qualms lashing out at home and abroad...and that was for ONE attack. Muslims have been attacked repeatedly by the Christians in just that least 50 years...and they`re reacting no differently in their hatred of your religion, the religion of their attackers, as America reacted against Islam.

Sharia law is the law of the land in the new Iraq. That means only Muslims are first-class citizens. We created a similar situation in Afghanistan, where the new constitution has been criticized by human-rights groups as a kind of "Taliban-lite."

...America didn`t go to Iraq to create peace and bring sunshine..they have never done that anywhere..they went to undo the forces of moderation and to inflame extremist passions..of COURSE they weren`t going to tell you loons that`s what they were doing and you STILL think they`re making a "mistake"...that they might listen to "reason". I`m sure they find you entertaining.

Is it too much for the United States to demand that this Christian minority – and all other ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq – be protected and afforded full citizenship rights under the new government and constitution?

..of course it is too`s also illegal for it proves just who is running Iraq..illegal in the sense that it flies against Iraqi sovereignty..which is the new law of the land. What country can demand that Black Americans be protected from a legal system that damns them based on their skin color?

...In case you boys hadn`t noticed....Iraq and the MidEast has been Muslim for a long time...and in case you haven`t noticed, the United States has been paying Isreal for decades to harrass all of Islam...breeding hatred in those camps...until they got their wish...infuriated people with whom you can no longer reason..and now they have all the more reasons they need to attack at will when the price of oil doesn`t suit them. Is it silly to ask how you could ever be so stupid? Or shall we just lay it at the feet of your friggin churches?

If so, was the sacrifice of American lives really worth it?

...of the right people..and you ain`t right`re used toilet paper..handy at times but nothing you`d want to cherish later.

Joseph Farah's nationally syndicated column originates at WorldNetDaily, where he serves as editor and chief executive officer. If you would like to see the column in your local newspaper, contact your local editor. Tell your paper the column is available through Creators Syndicate.

..this is another self-published hoax and a sham... His writings aren`t syndicated`re supposed to buy what you read cause it strokes your balls just right..and actually write a letter to a real news source..well, a bought and paid for one..and DEMANDS they include this tripe.


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