The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> June 30th Draws Nigh

June 30th Draws Nigh
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 21 2004, 19:05:47 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Message to Iraqi Christians from Assyrian-Americans..."DIE GOD DAMN IT!!!"

...with only a few days left to go and with the prospect of dreaded democracy (how were WE supposed to know what it meant!) coming ever closer..and the chance for an American Military Government disappearing fast...our only hope for the winning of hearts and minds is by losing YOURS!!! So go out there...find an SUV and stand next to it till it goes off!

What`s the matter with you people...don`t you REMEMBER SIMELE??? Has the murder of our people for centuries MEANT NOTHING to you?? Well, show you care...go get killed some more!!!

How are we gonna get an Assyria if you don`t all die first? Are you people sure you ARE Assyrian? You seem awfully slow to get martyred for Christ. I mean I know the rest of us boys are out of Iraq..but believe us, our hearts and minds and prayers go out to you but NOT if you stay alive like COWARDS and TRAITORS!

So, come on. Go get killed. Do it today. Why put off till tomorrow what you can achieve today...we mean the recapture of Assyria over YOUR dead body!

We`ll honor you when you`re gone..but only then, because we have to tell you, as things stand now, what with you still breathing and just doesn`t look too good for you.


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