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=> Nobody gradutating medical school...

Nobody gradutating medical school...
Posted by Paul Younan (Guest) - Wednesday, September 22 2004, 16:20:18 (CEST)
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...wants to be an abortionist. They are looked down upon by the medical community. My wife works in the medical community in a OB-GYN office. Her doctors don't even consider abortionists as doctors.

Jeff, in all seriousness - do you think for one second that any self-respecting medical student actually aspires to become a hired killer? It's a dirty business, it's stigmatized and rightfully so.

The reason there are so few abortion mills in rural areas is because those "doctors" who do this dirty deed move to the larger cities where business is "good" and plentyful.

The average age of butchers in this country is 57 years old. They are not being replaced with young recruits at a sufficient enough pace to meet the demand, thank God.

Babies will be spared the scalpel and the saline solution which burns their lungs till they die.



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