The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Proof That Moore Is Assyrian

Proof That Moore Is Assyrian
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 27 2004, 22:04:46 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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..if every pathetic half-wit who comes along asking for the homes of others and the cities of others...pleading for the murder of his own people because they are "wrong"..who can`t spell..can`t read..can`t write but is embraced by the boys because he mirrors the same trite, mealy-mouthed "Assyrian Values" they do which they claim IS the very definition of what it means to be Assyrian..then I say we can claim a efficient...a creative...a courageous...a hard working...a intelligent...a funny person such as Micheal Moore to be ASSYRIAN.

If it was an accident of birth that a Jassim gets born "Assyrian" and then gets reborn a "BetBassoo...then it was another accident that Michael Moore wasn`t born Assyrian...but IS Assyrian.


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