The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: A Nation of Spit and Baling Wire

Re: A Nation of Spit and Baling Wire
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 3 2004, 3:01:02 (CEST)
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Let`s agree with the boys for argument`s sake...let`s say they are the only Assyrians in the world..let`s admit that Iraq belongs to them..let`s concede that a grave and huge and monumental injustice has benn done them etc. Okay?

Now what?

Just where have they seen signs for an office that gets you back stolen lands? After calling the theives who took their land every foul name in the book..are they going to ask THEM for a corner of it back? Hardly. Who then? Where have they seen ANY precedent in either English or American history for a concern with restoring land to indigenous people? Have the Brits returned anything voluntarily? Have they stepped in on behalf of others? have the Americans? The only example is Israel and we should keep in mind that both Britain and America themselves loathe Jews...always have and always will...and let`s not forget what price the Jews had to pay and will pay forever for this "gift" of land.

If there was any chance of the Brits giving anything to Christian Assyrians...wouldn`t they have done it by now? And if not...does there have to be that much more abject suffering among the few remaining Christians to move their conscience? Is THAT why Jajo sings the praises of the village life now..or why Narsai cooked his fingers to the bone to keep Assyrians in northern Iraq...replacing a tin roof each time it blew off? Is it because they don`t want the Assyrians moving to the west, like they did, to work and live in security..raising their families etc? Is THAT what this National Work amounts to...keeping as many Christians in Iraq, preferably huddled in one spot for the sake of those mass graves Americans find so possible so there can BE a chance for a there can BE the chance for guilty consciences among the Brits and Americans?

You know...for all the talk about how Christians can`t trust Iraqi Muslims based on their past record..I`d say they can trust the Brits and Americans even LESS!

This whole "Faith Based" dream of a restored homeland,,,,a humble triangle if you will...coming as the gift of we don`t know who, or why or the product of the least educated...the most illiterate, the most frightened and cowardly ones among us..the rest having long ago faced the reality and gotten on with Life..for which their mothers have been trashed by these determined yet passive to the point of mush, heroes of ours.

But then they believe a passle of Jew fishermen..they have great FAITH in carpenters flying to heaven...they are detrmined to prove they were right in abandoning Ashur dor a jew god...they can`t afford to let go of that silly "Faith"...which is all they have in the world. And so, the more ludicrous something is, the greater the chance to prove your FAITH by clinging to it no matter what. That`s why Christian imagery gets so tangled up with their "national work"...because the whole thing is BASED on FAITH and no one has more surplus faith in the ridculous and the impossible and the degrading than Christians do..especially those who are so pleased their parents were raped into Christ.

Certainly there are individuals among all people who hop around from religion to religion...that`s always been the case...but NEVER has a culture..a "nation" a settled civilization EVER switched en masse to another king would tolerate ruling class would accept it..not unless like the Romans they meant to use it to manipulate people the better...but no culture will shake off its dear heritage as a group and run after another one..never happened, never will.


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