The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Baked Alaska..with Jesus mouse

Re: Baked Alaska..with Jesus mouse
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, September 10 2004, 15:46:18 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...I`m sure the oliy people would prefer dumber scientists...maybe if they taught Creationism, like they tried to reinstate, they could eventually turn kids away from science into religion..where all you need do is invest in god and you wll profit.

I wonder, if in anyones mind, the thought of students as bright as this women is in her fields such a political science..or history and the humaněties, psychology etc..would be seen as the same sort of a threat to oil industry and all industries as to power politcs in general?

If there were less people like this researcher..especially as the damage to the environment increasaes...would the oil billionaires really mind? If there were none..or they were choked for lack of research facilities and grants...would anyone in big bidness weep? Would they see the loss of intelligent, independant minded, far seeing and gutsy young professionals as a tragic loss to our society..or a blessing to them?

Once, in the 70s and for a brief time, there were a couple of shows on TV about commutted, compassionate and very bright young lawyers taking on corruption and a lax judicial system..they were brash, saavy, hip, cool, pretty, blow-dired and they cared about social justice for the poor and despised. Since then the only brash, innovative youg people on TV are insane police who break laws in order to "serve" a society..the same society that decided to make war on poor people and uses its police that way..the same society that makes war on the air we breathe and our long before this scientist and people like her become the enemy?

Education has been gutted...I think in part for the same reason. There`s just too much at stake for the entrenched powers from an armada of bright, eager, wide-awake young people who are motivated to improve the social scene at the expense of unlimited profits to a few...which is the name of this game. Far better the stoned, zonked out zombies who pierce themselves and grunt through school to one day "wake up" and get a job at Wal-Mart where they`ll finally be rudely told to get rid of that "ridiculous" outfit you wore all those "free" years and join the Wal-Mart TEAM! And nothing works as well as Jesus for achieving this. Religious Madrassahs are going to be the private school of choice in the future...and you know this woman would have been left behind in their "science" class.


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