The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Fred.....

Re: Fred.....
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, July 16 2004, 14:52:59 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Tiglath wrote:
>....he's still my cousin.
>Please let me fight my own battles...on my own.

...>I`ve had a running one with him myself for a few years...he pops in and out. There`s a point to this madness...there`s only one way that I can see, show me another, to take the separate ingredients, this jilu thinks this...a seyfo fellow thinks that..another one from Iran but who`s fled to Russia thinks another...each of them fiercely certain that what his grandfather told him is the truth really is...and then there`s the usual mix of prejudice based on personal experience depending on where you come from...and which sect you belong to...then there`s the envy of the village for the city...the country mouse and city mouse...and each of them has in common one thing: They each view someone who opposes them as an enemy and reserve their greatest vitriol for the other guy and calls traitor he or she who would begin to bridge the vast divide between that grows larger the more imagined or real things the ENTIRE Heritage suffers...and we`re entering just such another time again...divided as ever and we`ll come out the other end more fragmented with each one believing he or she is even MORE right than before....

In that regard it`s my battle as well as yours. I understand the personal connection etc and you dislike seeing a cousin trashed...but then I feel the same about a Heritage I`ve fought to clean and enhance...and I`ve been fought every step of the way not by Turks and Arabs and Kurds...but by Christians...and of the lowest order I can think of.

Paul is a good enough guy as an individual and the few exchanges I had with him were pleasant and respectful enough...but that only goes so far. Behind all this jollity and cussing and slander and lies is a real dilemna...we have people more intent on prevailing in their personal and petty battles than in seeing that we`re losing the war.

Because Paul disagrees with me on which Jew says what...I become an enemy of Christ...I`m no enemy of an Assyrian Heritage...I`m not the one slandering that...but I am slandering the churches these people, who know squat about Jesus anyway, adhere to and church dogma and Jew farts mean all the world to them...on top of which they think by pasting the name "Assyrian" to it all they`ve done work for the "Heritage".

There`s only one way...we have to ALL climb down into the pit, set some ground rules about parents and children...and lay ALL our conflicting views and what we read and what we heard and what we wish was true and what we don`t like to admit is true on the ground before us and sift through it all if it takes ten years and come up with a compromise view that can be coherent to our children and the people we live among and are supposedly going to get anything from....

Till that happens...I`m going to skin them alive every chance they give me...I`m not going to spare their they don`t spare mine and the rest of it. If Paul is hurt by it then let him contact Hanna and the rest of them and push for a truce...but I`ll be goddamned if I walk away from any of them...the good ones make it possible for the dirt to slip by...Paul takes secret delight when I get Hanna was pleased as shit when that fellow did it to Jassim is thrilled when vulgarity is directed at others he doesn`t need to personally slime...

Having said more specific in what you object to...Paul isn`t having a personal tussle with you alone...he`s also having it with me...and as I wouldn`t ask you to fight my fights...or set your own aside...I`m not about to walk away and leave it to anyone else. For the kind of decent Christian bullshit Paul presents with the one corner of his mouth..he too is back in 500 AD when some pasha did something...but can`t locate Iraq on a map of atrocities today...crimes against humanity of a scale we`ve seldom seen in the modern era when Christians target Christians and Paul upholds a faith that just murdered six million Jews and passes it off as an aberration when they are right back barely a few decades later spreading the same lies and using the same techniques to go after OUR people and the rest of Islam.

That takes it way out of the realm of the personal...and puts in squarely on everyone`s shoulders....I`d hardly back off when confronted by a Christian who held fast to the Nazi point of view in 1939, that he and his religion were inherently superior and what happens happens, if a cousin asked me to, not when I`m a Jew and have worries of my own about your family is promoting, it isn`t "personal" then. People stand by often enough and say, "it isn`t my isn`t my cousin, it isn`t my religion or country, so why should I involve myself". I involve MYSELF because it IS my fight...a bigot such as Paul is a threat to my children as well as to our Muslim children as he was to our Jewish children...this isn`t personal at all.

I`ll leave your name and his out of the same posts...but Paul is a big boy cuddling his children while doggedly refusing to see that other babies, every bit as "Assyrian" as his own are being murdered in cold blood by his religion...but he can only see what the religion HE doesn`t like did 300 and 100 and 600 years ago...that`s a deliberate attempt to distract us from seeing the crimes we`re committing today...for the sake of crimes committed against us yesterday...and as a result we can all be sure crimes will continue against us`s this dirty little thing they`re trying to get away,...convincing us that we did NOTHING....nothing EVER, to get caught up in the murder everyone was meting out to everyone...well we did. And all their trying to do is get us thinking we aren`t doing anything TODAY...because they know and we know there`s retribution coming and they`re got their bigot and hypocrasy machines at the ready...denying what we so clearly did to OURSELVES back then so we`ll stumble merrily along into yet another blunder we`re being prepared from now to claim we had no part in isntigating "just like we didn`t before". It`s intended to send those people righteously off to slaughter...which the genda of the religion and church Paul follows because they NEED to win hearts and minds and they don`t want to do it with concerts and dance troupes and monuments..they want to do it by making us further objects of pity..wide eyes puppies in croool wurld..."fell sorry for us"...and look how pathetic the few left in "Assyria" are. It isn`t personal at all and you shouldn`t re-define as such to spare your cousin...who won`t apre the cousins and dusghters and sons of other Assyrians who got killed wrong...not waiting around to be killed by the Muslims he is infuriating so they could be "usefull" and "serve" the heritage..the "Christian Heritage and Dogma Company". This isn`t a game and it isn`t a family affair.

Can`t do it...sorry. I`m not interested in making friends...I can respect any reasonable request...but throughout history it`s the nice ones who provide the fertile ground for the bad ones to grow and take root...Paul could fight the battle for all people...and next for a Heritage that has no friends and has two religions tearing it apart...Paul in one camp and those Pashas in another...and I and my children and those Iraqi children and ALL children are the ones in the middle and fuck them BOTH.


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