The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Khizmie David

Re: Khizmie David
Posted by Paul Younan (Guest) - Wednesday, August 25 2004, 18:08:34 (CEST)
from Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Dear Khizma,

Do you think the mothers of those Babylonian children, who were still sucking on their breasts when they were killed, cared whether or not the children died in the name of Ashur....or Yahweh?

I can see Farid there now, trying so desperately with his bullshit to console them: "But at least Ashur is OUR son-of-a-bush! Only you call him Marduk, see? Heheh. C'MON! It's not all that bad. They died for the empire....natural resources, technology, the advancement of civilization....and security, ESPECIALLY security."

Security for whom, Khizma? For the distraught mother....milk still leaking from her nipple? Or for the infant lying dead on the streets of Babel...or Samaria?



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